Page 11 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 11

PSHEE activities
 PSHEE supports students in develop-
ing essential attitudes, knowledge and skills to enable them to become healthy, independent and responsible members
of society. Our pupils are encouraged
to develop their sense of self worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We provide opportunities for them to learn about their personal rights and responsi- bilities and appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse society.
In the first half of the school year we have had a busy time in PSHEE. Learning top- ics included mental health and wellbeing, healthy relationships, drugs and alcohol, discrimination and social justice, study and revision tips, financial education – to name just a few.
We were also able to have several special events to support students’ learning including a psychology talk for Year 11 by Dr. Stephen Martell, STEM careers talks for year 9, workshops on stress manage- ment for year 7 and 8 and ‘Test anxiety 101’ for Year 10 and 11.
Two special days were held celebrating mental health and wellbeing including themes of ‘dress to impress’, as well as bake sales to raise funds for Fokus Praha and Dignity.
Sarah Powdrill, PSHEE Coordinator
Below, see a poem written by one of the stu- dents in Year 9 Josef Gibson about PSHEE:
In PSHEE we’ve learned a lot,
Through hard work not an evil plot,
We have covered a number of intriguing topics,
Including sleep time and all sorts of ethics.
In PSHEE mental health is our expertise. We’ve learned through tootoot to not bully or tease,
We’ve learned how to have a healthy mind, By all sorts of methods such as being kind.
We’ve been taught to engage in physical exercise,
To sleep for 8-10 hours and in the morning to rise,
To eat healthily and to have a balanced diet, And in the case of a problem: speak to someone, don’t stay quiet!
In PSHEE we’ve mastered relationships,
We’ve been presented with many ideas and tips, It is certainly fair to say,
That PSHEE has not evoked dismay.
In fact I think that all will agree,
that this subject has taught us to overcome misery,
That during PSHEE our attitude has improved,
And that emotionally we have been moved.
We now understand the significance of morality,
Even when we must face the reality, We now know how to overcome, Whatever bad deeds we have done.
Josef Gibson, 9P
April 2022 PSHEE activities 11

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