Page 9 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 9
Committee on the peaceful uses of outer space:
Establishing limitations on outer space warfare/Introducing guidelines on privatisation of space.
Paris Peace Conference:
Coming up with solutions and treaties to end the great war.
International Court of Justice:
Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Somalia v. Kenya)/Application of the Inter- national Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v. the United Arab Emirates).
“It is always such a pleasure to see so many students come together from dif- ferent schools and different backgrounds to discuss pressing issues in the world. PLISMUN’22 is no exception and it is par- ticularly admirable under the conditions at that time. I hope our PLISMUN team will have learnt valuable lessons about organising events, managing people and dealing with unexpected situations. Well done team, I’m proud of you!”
Alex Anea, MUN coordinator
“I only have one thing to say. What an amazing conference. Our amazingly talent- ed Chairs provided our delegates with an unforgettable debating experience. I per- sonally visited all the committees while they were in session and what I managed to see was the result of all the hard labour our delegates, staff and admins had put into both their research and work. Excluding the debates, most importantly, PLISMUN itself was an extremely joyous occasion. PLISMUN’22 can be characterised by many things. Most definingly, it was a debating event that had successfully managed to enhance the communication skills of many of our delegates.
Our team was able to handle the physical management aspect of PLISMUN’22 in ways I could not have imagined. Our entire team was flexible enough to handle problems that were occurring on the spot and we managed to make it all work out in the end. Especially in the context of the Covid situa- tion. I am sure PLISMUN’23 will be as much of a resounding success as it was this year!” Marc Van Gansen, SG
At the end of the conference, the best participants were awarded either the Best Delegate award or the Honourable Mention award. Park Lane delegates who received awards are:
▨ Matěj Šebesťák: best delegate in COP- UOUS
▨ Tom Churchill: honourable mention in ICJ
▨ Josef Gibson: honourable mention in HRC
▨ Renée Pavlíčková: honorable mention in UN women
▨ Vera Motrenko: honourable mention in DISEC
A big thank you goes to the organisa-
tion team: Marc Van Gansen(SG), Alex Houštecký (DSG), Laura Karasová, Bereni- ka Netíková, Anna Alexiev, Nora Eftode, Tom Kalužík, Oliver Balaz, Alex Rapala, Julian McGehee, Nina Fořtíková, Eliška Hovorková, Margueret Ethier, Charlotte Comstock, Kristýna Melicharová, Michae- la Stejskalová, František Kohout, Nela Roždalovská, Anna Karakolevová, Laura Lhotáková, Sophie Wells, as well as Mr Anea, Mr Churchill and Mr Ingarfield and our sponsors Mirage d’atlas, Richard Sing- er, CEE Tax Management S.r.o. Karolina Agulár, Petr Agulár and SAP solutions for helping us turn the PLISMUN’22 dream into reality.
The Park Lane MUN community is now pre- paring to send a delegation to PORGMUN, which will take place at the end of March. Alex Houštecký, DSG
April 2022