Page 8 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 8

08 PLISMUN April 2022 Secondary PLISMUN 2022
  As in previous years, the Park Lane community organised yet another successful PLISMUN conference. In the following article, we would like to share with you some highlights and comments from key people at the conference. You can also access the whole photo album through the QR code on the bottom of the page.
What went on during the conference? Unfortunately, the Opening Ceremony at Pražská Křižovatka had to be cancelled due to Covid and instead was held online on Friday. Nevertheless, the committees met up together at local cafes to get to know each other through MUN typical ice- breaker activities. Some committees even went figure skating or bowling.
On the second day, we had an online Opening Ceremony through a Youtube live-stream that was streamed in the committee rooms. During the ceremony, the Secretary General Marc van Gansen and the Deputy SG Alex Houstecky deliv- ered their speeches, as well as Michael Žantovský, a writer and politician with an insight into global events. Further- more, Mr. Churchill and Mr. Ingarfield also spoke to start off the conference on a positive note, and we also got to hear the position papers from the USA, UK, and Russian delegates from the Security Council. After this and a warm lunch, the delegates began to introduce their views on the committee topics.
On the third day, the delegates were work- ing on finding solutions to their committee topics, and they all came up with and agreed on at least one resolution paper. Finally, on the last day, the committees submitted their final resolution papers and the best delegates were awarded by the chair.
The Closing Ceremony took place on Zoom, where the Chairs announced the awards for each committee, the DSG and SG gave their final words, and the whole conference concluded as we enjoyed the summary video of the conference. This video is also accessible in the Google Drive folder accessed through the QR code.
There were 9 committees in total, making the selection very diverse. Our research team included all the traditional and essential committees, as well as some special ones.
Security Council:
The War in Darfur – a lasting solution.
Disarmament and International Security Committee:
Preventing the arming of civilian vehicles as a means of fighting / Limiting and stopping unsanctioned and unnecessary involvement of countries in foreign conflicts.
Human Rights Council:
Establishing guidelines to tackle the disabling of freedom of speech and expression in the available media.
UN Women:
Ensuring safety for LGBTQ+ women from high levels of hate, violence, and abuse.
Arab League:
Reviewing the Syrian suspension and
its future participation in the Arab League/Rediscussing and analysing past resolutions on water shortages and supplies to prevent a “War for Water”.
World Health Organisation:
Establishing guidelines to decrease the use of general antibiotics to reduce bacterial resistance/Providing guidelines for vaccine patenting to ensure vaccine distribution.

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