Page 6 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 6

06 Highlights April 2022 Secondary Highlights
IB Visual Arts exhibition opening
The opening of the IB Visual Arts exhibition took place on 14 March at Kobka 17, and de- spite the afternoon hours and chilly weather on the river bank, it was a lovely event. The artists, Malvína B. and Eliška F. were present to talk about their art work (paintings, sculptures, drawings and audiovisual art), to the visitors who enjoyed the atmosphere. The exhibition was open to the public throughout the week and welcomed Park Lane community members as well as passersby.
The Greta Effect
In early February Year 8 students experi- enced The Greta Effect! They researched, wrote and recorded their own climate change speeches with the aim of holding the generations before them accountable. Like Greta Thunberg they are on their way to becoming young climate change activists! Some of them excelled to the point that their work later became the Work of the Month for February.
(More details in the Work of the Month article).
Katie Stanger, Teacher of Geography
  Caroline Garner, Teacher of Art
Translating LI PO
As part of their English A languages and Literature standard level course, Year 12 students experienced the joys and frus- trations of translating poetry. Li Po is one of the three treasures of Chinese classical poetry of the Tang Dynasty translated
by Y12.
Thoughts on a Quiet Night
Glint of beaming moonlight sweeps across my room The floor is ice-cold, frozen
I suppose.
Exalting my head, gazing out upskies darkness, sinking back down, I’m homesick tonight
Main Railway station
visit by CAL students
CAL Y8 students went on a field trip to Prague’s Main railway station in order to practise their Czech language skills. Not only did they practise reading the Departures Board, but they also learnt about Sir Nicolas Winton's children and their departure from the Main railway station at the beginning of World War II. Students enjoyed the trip and now they are prepared to travel around the Czech Republic.
Kristýna Kolářová, Teacher of CAL

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