Page 5 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 5

April 2022 Highlights 05
  Bake Sale for Ukraine
Recently, the whole school community
got involved in baking. Students and staff members filled up the Dining hall with de- licious sweets, cakes, pastries and other delicious treats at Valdštejnská and the canteen in Klárov:). The range of baked goods was amazing and although we sold vast amounts there was still plenty left at the end of the day and the school took all the leftover goodies to the refugee centre at the Kongresové centrum. The gener- osity of the Park Lane students and their families is incredible. With other activ- ities held earlier the school raised over
40 000 Kč, for the Člověk v tísni Organisa- tion, which distributes the funds to those affected by the war in Ukraine. A big Thank You also goes to the Belcher and Stogel families, who are helping to deliver a set amount of baked goods to a shelter hotel for Ukrainian refugees.
Fake News
With the rise of social media, Fake News is easy to spread and hard to identify, so honesty in the media is more important now than ever. Secondary students par- ticipated in the Fake News Competition where they learned how Fake News is spread around social media through ma- nipulative means, earned fake cash, and won real pizza. Congratulations to Sanjay Aravindhan in 8P and Matěj Pěchouček
in 10P for winning the KS3 and KS4 Fake News Competitions! As part of the topic, Park Lane hosted Janek Rubeš from the YouTube channel Honest Guide who spoke with our students about Fake News, hon- esty in the media, his role as a journalist in Prague. Janek spoke about how he hunts down the truth, how he researches and verifies claims and how important
it is to be tenacious and courageous as
a journalist. He gave fascinating context to some of his most popular YouTube vid- eos, signed Honest Guide books, and took pictures with students and staff alike.
Work of the Month
It is always hard to judge poems for poetry competitions, the offerings are usual-
ly so diverse and it is rare that all the judges initially choose the same poems. Mrs. Warne particularly liked Lily’s poem for its assonance which she demonstrated by performing part of the poem as a rap. The structure of Sanjay’s was really admired as it had repetition with slight differences each time and the imagery was very strong.
Sue Gifford Learning Centre Coordinator
   Dustin Toci, Teacher of Computer Science

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