Page 4 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 4

04 Highlights April 2022 Secondary Highlights
  Valentine’s Day
Bake Sale
Congratulations to our intrepid bakers who produced over 300 cookies for Valentine’s Day. They were all sold and the money raised (over 4 000 Kč) went to the charity Cesta Domů. We were all very impressed with the group’s, initiative, resilience and of course the delicious cookies!
Sue Gifford, Learning Centre Coordinator
On the last day of the half term the
whole school gathered on the astroturf
at Valdštejnská to bid farewell to Michal, our security guard. Michal has worked for Park Lane for almost 10 years so it is no surprise that it was a very emotional mo- ment for all of us. His everyday welcomes at the gate in the morning and his smile will be missed a lot.
Memorial Day
For Holocaust Memorial Day, Year 9 visited the Jewish Museum in Prague. As part of
the visit, they received a lecture on the per- secution of Jews under the Nazi regime and engaged in a powerful workshop looking at individuals who played the part of perpetra- tor, bystander, rescuer as well as victim. On January 28, the whole school came together in an act of remembrance during assembly. The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust selected the theme for this year as ‘One day’. Using this stimulus,students reflected on how lives can be utterly changed with devastating effect in the space of a day, or even a matter of moments. Students worked in their year groups to focus on one specific day in history that should never be forgotten.
History Department
Czech Literary Workshop with Lucie Seifertová
What a creative day we had recently
with Y6, Y8 and Y9! Lucie Seifertová, the famous author of the cartoon The History of the Brave Czech Nation, prepared three workshops for our students. All of them were linked to our Czech curric- ulum and our students extended their knowledge about Charles IV, the creation of Czechoslovakia and J. G. Mendel. We felt very privileged to be the first school working with Lucie Seifertová’s new book about J. G. Mendel. Our Y9 stu- dents spent the month before learning about genetics in their science lessons therefore the timing could not have been better. The main focus of the workshop was on creating an actual book. Lucie Seifertová explained to the students how difficult the creation of the whole book can be, and at the same time, how beau- tiful the final feeling is. She described
all the steps from the first draft to the final print. It was great motivation for our students to create their own books. You can admire their work in the pictures. We were impressed by our students’ cre- ativity and all we have to say at the end
is – skvělá práce (well done).
Czech Department

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