Page 15 - PLP December 2022 Primary
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  Year 2 Pirate Ships and Microhabitats!
Year 2, applied their super scientist skills during their Science and Topic lessons this term. As part of their ‘Island Adven- tures’ topic they learned about pirate ships. 2L got moving with a very active team game to learn the different parts of the ship while 2R had a great time using their STEM skills to plan, design and build pirate ships choosing and using
a range of materials. Year 2 have also
been busy gathering woodlice for their mi- crohabitat investigation, thinking about the perfect conditions for these common creepy-crawlies. They headed outside to carefully explore their natural habitat, and worked together to investigate which conditions our little friends would prefer.
Miss Laura
Learning about the
Stone Age in Year 3
Year 3C and 3S explored the Stone Age Man topic in numerous fun ways. Ms Ewelina helped the children to create fantastic cave art painting and designs. In English, they wrote their own version of the book, Stone Age Boy. Of course, learning extended beyond school to week- ends, with pupils adventurously making
a meal the Stone Age way! To top it all off, in Science, they investigated the change of state from solid to liquid – with the aid of chocolate and warm hands! Sweet, messy fun! The pupils visited TriloPark to travel even further back in time and meet prehis- toric creatures which roamed our earth in the lead up to the Stone Age. Phew!
Ms Carly, Mr Stuart, Mr Andrea and Ms Jelena
Year 4
Every pupils comes to the classroom with a different world experience. We know that pupils who have been exposed to many different things do better in school. In order to be successful readers, pupils need to relate what they read to what they’ve experienced. To think broadly pupils need to have a variety of experienc- es. By going on school trips we can bring a subject to life, increase motivation, boost confidence, and broaden horizons.
Mr Neil
Year 5 Explorers
This first term, Year 5 explored the windswept and icy realm of Antarctica. They have been learning about Ernest Shackleton’s failed expeditions and the incredible leadership and resilience he demonstrated. Using their geographic, historical and art skills, they have been recreating Shackleton’s route around Antarctica with his crew on his famous ship: Endurance.
Miss Lily
Year 6 Getting Hooked into Poetry
During the first term of this school year the Year 6 'detective team’ were hard at work. After walking into a murder scene, they were tasked with clues and evidence leading to what might have happened. This provided many opportunities for them to infer, question and summarise their findings and add them to their investigations board in the classroom. Following this, they were needed in the forensics lab to learn about chromatog- raphy in order to find out which of their suspects wrote a letter professing their involvement in the crime. After learning that our victim was an infamous and no- torious highwayman from 1750, they were introduced to the narrative poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes.
Primary December 2022 Classroom Close-ups 15
   Miss Kerry

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