Page 3 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 3
Primary April 2022 Welcome message 03
Welcome Message
Dear EYFS and Primary School children, parents, carers and colleagues
I am pleased to introduce to you this EYFS and Primary Park Lane Press. The variety of published articles, pictures and reports highlights the fantastic work of our pupils, staff and school community across all the four EYFS and Primary school sites.
At Park Lane we always endeavour to enrich the lives of the children as much as possible. Actively seeking ways to inspire children and ensure that they remember their time in school by balancing activities and events to represent our international community and Czech speaking boys and girls.
School memories that the children will treasure are residential trips. Year 5 were the first residential of this academic and they travelled to the mountains to enjoy a week of skiing. More residentials will take place next term for other year groups.
Achievements, competitions and special events in school also serve as times when the children can recall with fondness. Our annual World Book Day is a great attraction in our school calendar. This event is thoroughly enjoyed by all staff and children across the school. This year a whole week was packed full of stories, challenges, tasks and activities. In addition, a book swap took place at Norbertov and a book fair was arranged for the children at Prague 5 Nessie. The aim of the event is to celebrate the joy and value of books and the art of reading.
I wish to share a classic poem written by Julia Donaldson. This poem captures the childhood magic of opening a book.
I Opened A Book
I opened a book and in I strode
Now nobody can find me.
I’ve left my chair, my house, my road, My town and my world behind me.
I’m wearing the cloak, I’ve slipped on the ring, I’ve swallowed the magic potion.
I’ve fought with a dragon, dined with a king And dived in a bottomless ocean.
I opened a book and made some friends.
I shared their tears and laughter
And followed their road with its bumps and bends To the happily ever after.
I finished my book and out I came.
The cloak can no longer hide me.
My chair and my house are just the same, But I have a book inside me.
Kind regards,
Joe Eyles
Head of EYFS and Primary