Page 5 - Park Lane Press April 2022
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Slovenian Honey Morning
Last term Year 2 was treated to a Sloveni- an honey breakfast. During the morning, Mrs Rotar spoke to the children about the world of bees and they learned so many fun facts, here are some of our favourites, ‘One bee has 5 eyes,’ ‘A honey bee lives
for 30-60 days,’ ‘Bees are noisy because they beat their wings 11,400 times per minute!’. They then went to the dining room for a nutritious traditional Sloveni- an breakfast with delicious honey, bread, apples, butter and swish milk. We would like to thank Mrs Rotar.
Children’s Health
Smile Project
The aim of the Children’s Smile project is to improve children’s dental care and help prevent tooth decay and gum disease at an early stage. The boys and girls at Prague
5 Nessie enjoyed learning about the im- portance of looking after their teeth and how to brush their teeth properly. They had fun using the toothbrush and other resources. Children’s Smile is a unique project which focuses on preventive care of children’s teeth. Emphasis is placed primarily on repeated practical training of effective dental cleaning to help prevent tooth decay and periodontitis.
Teddy Bear Hospital
The Early Years children had a wonderful visit by the Teddy Bear Hospital, provid- ed by the medical students from Charles University. During the visit the children met Henry Bear who would not wear
his hat, scarf and winter clothing while skiing and as a result he was sick. During the visit the children had fun applying plasters and bandages.
Year 2 Castle Trip
On Monday 6th December, Year 2K had
a wonderful journey being exported back in time as they toured around a castle learning about what Christmas life was like. They had a special tour of several magically decorated Christmas trees,
as well as making their own Christmas decorations. After their adventures inside, they had great fun finding their way through the castle’s maze.
Superhero Workshop
On Friday 28th January, Year 1 were vis- ited by Adam from Prague Youth theatre for a ‘Superhero Workshop’. The children dressed up as their favourite heroes and took part in games and activities, and learned how to be superheroes.
Well-being in Year 6
Year 6 have been busy looking after their well-being and mental health. During Children’s Mental Health week. We cele- brated in the following ways:
▨ Well-being Day at school – enjoying
a polaroid photo booth, having our faces painted, in-class well-being activ- ities and dressing to impress.
▨ Taking part in Miss Kerry’s 14-day Glow-Up challenge for all Year 6 stu- dents.
▨ On Friday 18th February, we took part in a well-being workshop about manag- ing stress and anxiety.
▨ PSHEE lessons with a focus on digital well-being and our use of social media.
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