Page 6 - Park Lane Press April 2022
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06 Competitions and Achievements April 2022 Primary Competitions and Achievements
Internet Safety Stop
Motion Competition
Congratulations to all the E-Safety Stop Motion contestants! Pupils were asked
to create a Stop Motion movie that would focus on one of the SMART E-Safety rules.
We received 10 submissions from across the year groups. All submissions were wonderful examples of how to successfully create a Stop Motion video and we were very impressed with the quality of each movie. Some even used special effects and voice overs!
Pupils who participated were awarded with a certificate and a customised 3D printed medal. A special shoutout to Arian Šlapal in Year 3 for creating the winning submission!
COBIS Poetry
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s COBIS Poetry Competition. This year the theme was 'Looking Ahead'. Miss Lynsie and Miss Anna were impressed with everyone’s effort but after much dis- cussion, the poems chosen to be submitted belong to Minha Y5MG and Ema Y3L.
This pandemic has made us cautious, The PCR makes us nauseous,
Right now we have to wear a mask, Which is quite a tricky task.
I hope we won’t be in quarantine, When we reach the age of seventeen, When a better time arrives,
We will begin to thrive.
If now life is full of sickness and sadness,
We will look into the future for more happiness.
Minha Bilal
It’s New Year
And I’m looking ahead
With fireworks cracking over my head,
No more face masks
and no more tests,
Playing outside with friends is best,
No more Team’s
and no more Zoom’s
No more learning in the online classroom,
Visiting grandma,
Going to the theatre,
Markets and museums, life’s going to be better,
Back in the classroom, playing with friends,
I’m looking ahead to when Covid-19 ends.
Ema Skampova
Primary Maths Challenge
In Novemeber Year 5 and 6 took part in the Primary Maths Challenge. 25 pupils from Year 5 to Year 6 were awarded with Bronze, Silver or Gold certificates.

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