Page 8 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 8
08 Ski Residential Trip April 2022 Primary
Year 5 Ski Residential Trip
The students of Year 5 enjoyed an amazing week skiing at Špindlerův Mlýn from the 11th to 18th of February.
After a luxurious bus journey we looked at our rooms, had lunch, then kitted our- selves out with warm clothing and skis to go out for an ability assessment with the instructors. The next day and a half we skied happily all over the mountain in cold windy weather, but in a great spirit. Unfortunately the rain came and it was decided to stop skiing in the afternoon to avoid getting soaked. Instead we stayed lower down the mountain and went snow tubing and sledging – they were both great fun and it was a welcome change.
The next day and a half we skied again and the sun even made a short appear- ance. We had a timed slalom race and winners and most improved were award- ed certificates. In the evenings we enjoyed a presentation about safety from Mr Vojta as well as a movie night, watching the Olympics, hanging out with friends and
a visit to the Wellness centre for a swim and sauna.
Miss Maria, Mr Vojta, Miss Karolína and Mr Mark were fantastic 'mums and dads' for us all week and made sure we were all happy, well-fed and safe.
Children’s quotes:
It was exciting to go through the town to the snowtubing – Nela
It improved my skiing skills drastically and I can now go skiing with my family – Josh
The pool was a bit cold but we had a great time in it – Denis
It was like a rollercoaster that only went up – Sofia
I liked the fact that we did some activities other than just skiing and I also enjoyed time in our rooms playing games togeth- er – Minha
The hills were nice and you went in groups. If you were a beginner you learnt quickly with the teachers – Sahanna
I enjoyed snow tubing, sledging and going to the shop! – Isabela
The ski instructors were very nice and helped me understand what skiing is all about – Noa
Everyday it got better and better – Julie
The afternoon entertainment was very fun. I liked swimming the best – Martin