Page 9 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 9
Primary April 2022 Amazing Adventures 09 Amazing Adventures Around the World
During this Spring Term in our Reception class at Sibeliova, we have been having some ‘Amazing Adventures Around The World’ as we have been exploring the 7 Continents. So far on our travels, we have visited Antarctica, Australia, North and South America.
In our EYFS curriculum, one key area of learning is Understanding the World - where we talk in-depth about People and Communities and the World. Our topic and discussions of the 7 Continents helps the children to talk about similarities and differences between themselves, their friends, and people around the world. It also helps them to recognise similarities and differences between life in Prague and life in other countries. It has made the children more aware of the World map and the different Ocean names, and they can name and identify each Continent and Ocean on the map. The children have also learned about the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the Equator, and that each hemisphere has the opposite season.
We are such a diverse group of children this year, with 13 different countries rep- resented in our class of 15 children and 2 teachers. It is such a wonderful learning experience for the children to be emersed in a learning environment with different cultures.
Each week as we have introduced a new Continent to the children, we have started our adventures in our Intercontinental Travel Buggy, spoken about the different types of clothing we would need, looked at the flags, and shared some interesting facts about the Continent of the week.
We asked the children to tell us some- thing interesting about what they have learned. Here is what some children had to say:
Issy: “Koala bears and kangaroos have a pouch to keep their babies safe. Their babies are called Joeys.”
Rene: “I learned that penguins can’t taste their food. I also know that the ocean for Antarctica is called the Southern Ocean.”
Laura: “I liked learning about the Rain- forest in South America. I like the sloths because they hang upside down.”
Lucca: “I learned that polar bears have black skin and this keeps them warm.”
Robin: “There is a lot of snow in Antarcti- ca and polar bears are big.”
Emilia: “Huskies have thick fur to keep them warm.”