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04 Highlights April 2022 Primary Highlights
Visit by Czech author Lucie Seifertová
On Friday 4th March, Czech author Lucie Seifertová visited students in Y6, Y8, and Y9. We had the opportunity to hear about how she writes her books and hear more about her stories. We were able to buy her legendary comic books (in Czech as well as English). She has a new book about genius scientist Gregor Johann Mendel. Lucie has written books such as Dějiny českého Národu, Hrady a Zámky and Česky Ráj. She ha also made a game (Dě- jiny českého Národu). In the session Lucie was very calm and inspiring to me and others. She is very talented and has very creative stories. Most of them are about Prague and for kids so I really enjoyed it – Tereza 6K
Valentine’s Day
Year 6 were in the mood for love on Mon- day 14th February. We showed how much our friends, colleagues, family, teachers meant by sending roses, cookies and smiles to show them how much we care.
Mardi Gras
On Friday 18th February the Secondar MFL deptatment celebrated Mardi-Gras with our KS3 students. So of course, Year 6 wanted to get involved! We helped to promote the day by dressing up and getting into the spirit!
Norbertov School
Book Fair
On Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th December we held the annual Book
Fair and the difference this year was it
all took place outside. Many thanks to everyone who supported the event and
a huge thanks to our librarian Miss An- drea for all her support in ensuring it was successful.
  Dressed to Impress
As part of our whole school Wellbeing Day and to help raise awareness of Chil- dren’s Mental Health we invited all chil- dren and staff to participate in a Dress to Impress Day. The benefits of dressing up:
▨ draws positive attention ▨ improves self esteeem ▨ helps communication
▨ show self-respect
▨ shows people you take care of yourself

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