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16 IB Diploma Programme April 2023 Secondary
IB Diploma Programme
in the Spring term of 2023
The Spring term is typically very busy
for the IB graduates – and indeed, it was the case for our Y13 this year again. It is however not only our graduates who have a lot on their plate – the Y12s also work hard and some of the IB assignments
due next year are already filling in their calendars – the first drafts of their Internal Assessments or the Core components are coming up soon. Let’s have a look at what was going on and what is still ahead.
Year 13
In January the Y13 completed most of their oral examinations in native languages. These recorded oral components are externally assessed and we are confident students have done very well. In the meantime, students submitted their final versions of TOK essays and completed the final versions of the remaining Internal Assessments. In mid March the second language orals took place and students have therefore left for their Easter break with all work submitted, done and dusted. There is not much left now – just revision and, of course, the May exams!
As preparation for the May 2023 students sat their second mock exams in all of their subjects – this time at our new IB site of
Úvoz. They had a great chance to become more familiar with the exams procedures and arrangements as well as find out about where they need to focus more or in which subject they already do well.
Students are still working on completion of their CAS component and they engage in various activities – one of the most interesting is working with younger students at Valdštejnská, supporting them academically. This is a great opportunity for the Park Lane community to be more connected!
All of this was discussed with parents during the second round of the parents evenings before the half term break in February. As such, we are confident that parents are well informed about their child’s progress, areas of focus still needed and any support they may provide to them for the upcoming finals.
Year 12
Our first year of IBDP is warming up now – after a relatively safe first term, the Y12s are now fully engaged with the academic demands of the IBDP courses as well as working towards meeting the objectives of the Core components of the Diploma.
This part in particular will be in focus towards the end of the school year – after the final Y12 exams in early June students will concentrate on their TOK exhibitions, Extended Essay work and also work on
a joint project in sciences – the Group 4 project.
Year 11
It seems that Y11s are far from any IB matters having the IGCSE exams ahead of them, however this term the Y11 students took part in an informative meeting with the IB coordinator and the universities counsellor together with their parents about the IB subjects options for next
year. The session also included general information about how the IB Diploma Programme works and some current
IB students contributed with their own experience so far with their IB studies.
All Y11 subject choices for next year are submitted now and it is time to materialise these in the next year’s timetables – we look forward to welcoming the Y11 students to Úvoz in September!
Jan Čihák, IBDP Coordinator

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