Page 19 - PLP April 2023 Secondary
P. 19
CAS Activities
As a proud CAS coordinator, I have to say that more than half of our Y13 students have already successfully fulfilled all ex- pectations and reached the well deserved and wished for status: Completed in CAS, and the second half of Y13 are almost at the finishing line to successfully com- plete CAS. The projects and experiences they chose were really impressive and
to pick just a few of the most interesting ones is a very difficult task. Collaboration, one of the main IB values, gave birth to our amazing and highly professional stu- dents led lifestyle magazine The Oracle. It was amazing to see how effectively Y12s and Y13s worked together. Other pro- jects where many of our students helped include: our annual charity Úsměv (Smile) (, project Sound of Music, to support Doctors without Bor- ders, PLISMUN and many more.
Our IB students also support our young- er students, individually in Biology and Chemistry, during the Czech club and Maths mentoring, planning the Sports day for our Norbertov and Nessie children and more.
Overall the IB is a very challenging and rich programme and our students face all the challenges well and we all feel privileged, to work with such caring, resourceful, observant and able young people.
Iveta Slavětínská, CAS coordinator
April 2023
CAS Activities 19