Page 8 - PLP April 2023 Secondary
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08 PLISMUN 23 April 2023 Secondary PLISMUN 2023
Dearest Park Lane Press readers,
Welcome to the diplomacy and success- filled PLISMUN’23 section, where we would like to share with you the achievements we made this year.
This year the Secretariat of PLISMUN’23 took it to a whole new level. We managed to put together 9 uniquely different commit- tees giving every MUNer a tough time when choosing their committee. From beginner and standard committees like the Human Rights Council discussing the rights of inmates to advanced committees like the International Criminal Court and Prosecu- tion vs. Vladimir Putin.
After more than 10 months of vigorous preparation, we welcomed 203 participants at our new IB Úvoz Campus. The first day of debates was began with the opening cere- mony at Prague Crossroads with 2 amazing guest speakers, the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Ms. Markéta Pekarová Adamová and an influencer, activists and speaker Karel (Kovy) Kovář.
There was a social event planned each night to give us a break from the hard labor we did during the day. All groups had created plans for Thursday afternoon to become closer as a group and establish rapport. All committees went bowling on Friday, and the highest point total in a single game was 185, which was very remarkable. On the final
night, we completely rented out the Mecca club and offered everyone a chance to per- form for us on the dance floor. The experi- ence of being in a club with 200 people who had become friends with one another was both thrilling and enjoyable.
Every single review we have since have been filled with positivity. After a number of tricky years, our Secretariat has managed to bring the reputation of PLISMUN to 150% of quality and raise the bar for anyone in Prague that comes after us. PLISMUN’24 will be sooner than you think so watch out as the new generation takes over.
Alex Houštecký, Secretary-General