Page 6 - PLP April 2023 Secondary
P. 6
06 Highlights April 2023 Secondary Highlights
Ski trip
The Year 9 ski trip to Zell am See was very successful! Despite unseasonably warm conditions, we could still ski and enjoy the mountain every day. Most of the slopes were open and we had some sunshine and most importantly, no rain. We had 5 total begin- ners, all of whom made excellent progress and were not only able to ski all the way down the mountain on Schmittenhohe, but could also join us on the glacier at Kaprun on the last day. The more advanced skiers and our lone snowboarder (Prokop) worked on refining technique and many couldn’t resist jumping from every bump they could find. We had lots of fun off the slopes too, with traditional Austrian 9 pin bowling, quizzes, watching the local team win at ice hockey and a party on the last night. See for your- selves in the photo gallery.
Act it Out Workshop
Led by Barbora H 9P, Photographer Jazz P 8L
On 26th January 7L were treated to a drama workshop on Improvisation led by Barbora. After a brief introduction, we went to the Learning Centre so the class could try their hand at acting. We started with some silent poses, such as a tree, a melting snowman, an old man and a flamingo. Then we moved into groups of three to act out car crash scenes. Bára gave very helpful feedback to each group. As we needed two extra people Miss Zuzka and Ms. Hasse took part and were the stars of the session. Finally, we did some pair work with each pair having
a different starter. The students all enjoyed the experience and gave it a thumbs up!
Sue Gifford, Learnig Centre Coordinator
and Terezín Visit
On the 3rd of February students from Year 9 visited Lidice and the Terezin small fortress. It was an eye-opening experience where students learned about the horror of the reprisal following Reinhard Heydrich’s assassination and the conditions in which prisoners were held at the Terezín small fortress. Year 9 will now be learning more about the Nazi regime in history lessons and it is hoped that they will be able to bet- ter understand what occurred in Czecho- slovakia through this hands-on experience.
Hugo Gibson