Page 5 - PLP April 2023 Secondary
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 Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh awards
On the 19th of December our successful Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh students received their awards at the annual ceremony at Staroměstská Radnice. This was the culmination of a year or more of hard work and commitment. As well as our challenging expeditions to Dobřichovice and Český Ráj, students took part in numerous extra curricu- lar activities including such sports as swimming, badminton and fencing, skills including painting, piano and cookery, and volunteering including mentoring, teaching assistance and conservation. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a prestigious achievement and is well respected around the world. Huge congratulations to all who achieved it!
Jim Dunwell, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
Photography Club
The Photography club has been meeting in Pohádka for several months now. Each Wednesday students from KS3 and KS4 work in the darkroom to produce their black and white photographs. The students have learned to develop 35mm negatives taken from their camera using a number of chemi- cals and developing methods. From these nega- tives, the students then produce a contact sheet and then their final selection of the photograph. Enlarging and developing a photograph takes place under red light conditions and requires a great deal of care and attention to detail. The students are working towards a Summer exhibition to be held in Pohádka café based around their personal themes. Further details of the exhibition will be announced early in the Summer term.
The work of the
month celebration
The work of the month for December was somewhat unusual. Two projects were nominated by Mrs. Costiou: “Malta” by Vicky and Janek and “Greece” by Sofia D and Eliška – so we had more people at the party. Even more unusual was that Vicky chose flowers as her reward and so she received a small bouquet.
Work of the month for January was awarded to Nicol M. in 9 who studied the challenging topic of 2 point perspective. Nicol’s work showed her great progress in recent months and illustrates the great care given the technical aspect of the assignment and her growing confidence when it comes to tone value, proportion and line work.
Tommie Teasdale, Art Teacher
Work of the month for February
All month I had been listening to the
buzz created by the Y9 English project,
in which students were asked to work collaboratively to produce an advert for an imaginary holiday resort. They were judged by their use of persuasive lan- guage, their presentation and ICT skills as well as how well they worked together as a team. I was amazed at how professional all the presentations were and how confi- dently they were presented.
Finally I chose two groups:
1. group: Sofie D., Adriana, Chris a Nela K. 2. group: Laura J., Lili A., Sofie S. and Naila.
Sue Gifford, Learning Centre Coordinator
April 2023 Highlights 05

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