Page 13 - PLP December 2022 Primary
P. 13

Secondary December 2022 Model United Nations 13 Model United Nations
Model United Nations, or MUN for short, is a weekly after school club at Park Lane. It
is essentially what the name suggests an academic mock simulation of the United Nations (UN). Similar to the United Nations, there are different committees such as
the Security Council (SC), Human Rights Council (HRC), and ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) that delegates can partici- pate in.
At a Model UN conference, students be- come a World Leader for a weekend. As an MUN “Delegate”, they take on the role of
a representative of a country to the United Nations, which where they will argue for, defend, and pursue the interests and pol- icies of that country on an assigned topic. This means they have to put themselves
in the shoes of an international diplomat and learn the issues facing the world, as well as how their country would respond to these issues. They then will eventually write a resolution to the global issues they are debating. This debating is done under a strict set of Rules of Procedure that all delegates must know and follow through- out the conference.
Best Delegate:
Harry Ingarfield (Y13)
Tomáš Kalužík(Y12)
Vera Motrenko (Y10)
Alex Houštecký
František Kohout
Honourable Mention:
Aoife McCormick (Y9)
Oliver Balaz (Y12)
Sophie Straus (Y10)
Eliška Hovorková (Y12)
Nela Rožďálovská (Y12)
Laura Karasová (Y12)
Benjamin Brookie (Y12)
Nora Eftode (Y12)
Eva Wray (Y10)
2050 collapse of the European Union in
the Future Security Council (FSC). Park Lane walked away with 12 awards from
the conference, including 3 Best Delegates and 9 Honourable Mentions which is highly impressive.
To kick off each new year, Park Lane hosts our very own conference every January called PLISMUN and delegates from across the country, Europe, and other parts of the the world participate in. This year, we are pleased to host delegations from the USA, Austria, and Germany, as well as other schools in Prague and many of our own Park Lane students. Over 180 delegates will be debating in 8 committees for the first time ever at our Úvoz campus. Year 12 and Year 13 students have been working extremely hard and we are sure it will be
a massive success for Park Lane and our students. So, keep an eye out for some qual- ity resolutions on global issues and fruitful debate.
Carley Johnson, MUN Coordinator
           The ultimate goal of MUN is to promote awareness of international relations and issues, inspire global mindedness and
an understanding of world problems and ways to combat them, as well as progress students’ personality, communication, and open mindedness. MUN will test delegates in their resiliency, public speaking, active listening, negotiating, writing and research skills. However, it will also provide a new perspective on countless different global issues, give opportunities to establish connections with other delegates from different countries, and even allow them to travel the world.
Recently students from Years 9, 10 and 12 visited the WROCMUN conference, in the beautiful southern Polish city of Wroclaw. They debated topics ranging from the 17th century Peace of Westphalia in the Historical Security Council (HSC) to the

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