Page 240 - From the Outhouse 4 -21
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F R O M T H E O U T H O U S E T O T H E L I T T L E R E D S C H O O L H O U S E : | 240
As we rehearsed, I soon developed a burning desire to use church pews to add visual impact to this performance!
In my hunt for them, I found some owners of a non-functioning church that had several pews left in the
sanctuary. The only challenge was that I had to transport them from the church to the college, which was about
10 miles. How was that to happen with no funds to cover a truck rental fee? God gave me a solution ‒ I could
drop the top on my convertible! Sure enough, Kamili and I went to get the pews after a heavy rain. We had to
wade through a marshy area to load and haul away two pews at a time in my Cabriolet! It took two roundtrips to
get the four pews, but the seating made the set production worthy!
With the consent of Dr. Stephen Caldwell Wright and Dr. Annye Refoe, we often turned the Seminole
Community College Concert Hall into a theater. Folks in attendance would often comment, how and why this
happened. One reason was that I was a believer in using any space that I was provided to its fullest potential. I
always thought out of the box whenever it involved space, and it seemed to work wonderfully every time! For one
production, I envisioned the Concert Hall with window frames hanging from the ceiling along with white
chiffon material draped around windows that were also hanging from the ceiling. It had a very dramatic effect,
and who could deny the bold creativity of that idea!
Every year that we performed at the college, it was always to a packed house. We practically broke the fire code
because people wanted to see what we were going to do. They didn’t care if they were sitting on the steps in the
aisle. If they couldn’t sit inside, they stood outside in the lobby and peeked in as often as they could. God always
provided the necessary elements to bring our productions to stage.
Passion = Sacrifice