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Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022 - 15

                                   Basketball is coming to Ravenshead
                                  The Nighthawks        basketball league.  However, if there is demand for other ages
                                  basketball team will be   we will happily start up teams for other age groups.
                                  nesting in Ravenshead   In addition to players, we are also looking for people who
                                  very soon. We shall be   would like to get involved on the coaching side.
                                  playing at the
                                                        We are currently looking to generate some funding to help
                                  Ravenshead Leisure    progress the team, purchase FIBA approved basketballs and
                                  Centre on Longdale Lane   subsidise leisure centre hire costs. If you are able to help with
                                  and although dates and   funding or are interested in playing or coaching then please
                                  times are to be       contact myself either by email:
    confirmed, we are currently considering Wednesdays and
    Thursdays between 5pm and 6pm. Each training session will, or telephone: 07710
    be £4 per person.                                   952 646, or preferably visit our Facebook page:
    We are looking to put together U12s and U14s teams in the
                                                                         Carol Ann Shuttleworth (Team Manager)

    Ravenshead Ladies Probus

    We met on a very cold gloomy day at the end of January   and were invited to make a donation in
    and were cheered up by an excellent meal at Portland College   a clog at the end of his fishing line.
    which included risotto, fish wrapped in pancetta with a   We arrived at the Zuyder Zee museum
    potato croquette, peas, broccoli and a hollandaise sauce.  We   just in time for a meal cooked by one
    finished with cheesecake trimmed with blueberries and   of the staff.
                                                        Most of the locals know that if you get
    Then we were whisked away to the Netherlands in a Morris   there at the right time, there's a free meal for you.  On this
    Minor, courtesy of Keith Jackson, to take part in a rally there   occasion the cook was really pleased to provide a typical,
    in 2014.  We had to pack lots of extras such as high vis   traditional Dutch meal for visitors from abroad, who were
    jackets for all passengers, a first aid kit and a warning   amazed to discover that the pudding had been cooked
    triangle as well as spares for the car, so that didn't leave   wrapped in straw in the bedding in a niche near the fireplace!
    much room for clothes.
                                                        So we spent some time on a dull January day tiptoeing
    Travelling across the Netherlands we visited several towns   through the tulips and enjoying the various delights on offer
    and villages including Amsterdam where the Anne Frank   in the Netherlands.
    museum is located.  While waiting in the queue we were
    entertained by a man on the canal blowing his own trumpet
                                                                                                Chris Brader

    Ravenshead & District Photography Club - looking for new members

               We are celebrating our 10th anniversary this   announced.  Whilst the results are being collated, members
               year! The Ravenshead & District Photographic   have an opportunity to share a small selection of
               Club started out in 2012 as the U3A Photo   photographs they have taken recently with a brief overview
               Group but became the Ravenshead & District   of each.  After the results are announced a short talk on a
               Photography Club in 2019.  Since then the   particular aspect of photography is given by either Glynne
               group has flourished but we are looking for   Payze or a member with knowledge of a subject, followed by
    new members to join us from far and wide and of a wider   an opportunity to chat with fellow members.
    age range.                                          Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 30 March 2022, at 2pm,
    The group is run and jointly co-ordinated by renowned   and the competition theme is night photography.  The
    photographers Dennis Harvey and Glynne Payze.  Between   deadline for entries is Friday, 26 March 2022, 11.59pm and
    them they have a wide-ranging knowledge and expertise in   should be sent in jpeg format by email to:
    most branches of photography and a broad technical grasp
    of digital photographic equipment, from DSLRs through   Other competition themes this year include: portraiture,
    bridge cameras to compacts.                         historic architecture, action/motion, street photography,
    Our members range from total beginners to more      landscape, reflections, water and monochrome.  Further
    experienced digital photographers so please do get in touch   detailed information and competition guidelines can be found
    whatever your level of interest, commitment or ability.  We   on our website:
    meet at the Ravenshead Village Hall at 2pm on the last
    Wednesday of each month, except December.           Should you be interested in joining us, please contact Dennis
    Each month we hold a photo competition based on a specific   Harvey by email:, or telephone:
    theme chosen by members at the beginning of the year.  Each   01623 793 371.
    entry is viewed on the projection screen and is then voted on   We are a friendly bunch and you would be made very
    during the meeting where the top three winners are   welcome.
                                                                                            Dennis Harvey
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