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Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022 - 37

    What’s On at Newstead Abbey

                                       Help Annabella and Frederick find their
                                       brothers and sisters in the gardens with our
                                       Outdoor Flamingo Trail.  Price: £2.
                                       Recommended for children & families.
                                       Available at entry points, including gate, shop
                                       & café.
                                       To celebrate sisters Ethel & Geraldine
                                       Webb’s love of Japanese culture, we are
                                       showcasing some of Nottingham City
                                       Museums’ own collection in a trail around
                                       the house.
    The two sisters who once lived here took a ‘world tour’ with their father visiting
    Japan in 1892.
    This journey inspired them to transport Japanese golden screens, carved panels, stone
    lanterns and plants back to Newstead Abbey. They created their theatrical Japanese
    Room and their version of a serene Japanese Garden that you can still enjoy today.
    Nottingham City Museums’ collecting has always looked beyond the borders of the
    UK, bringing objects from many different cultures across the world, to inspire and delight us all. Look out for the objects old
    and new with the pink cherry blossom as you walk through the house. Step inside Newstead Abbey’s Historic House each
    weekend to discover Journeys of Japan.
    Price: Adults: £10, Child: £6 & Families (2 adults, 2 children: £25). Book online in advance, or arrange on entry to the Historic
    Site entry & car parking charges apply. Plan your visit and find out more information on available facilities here:

    The People’s Voice Locally

    GETTING OUT & ABOUT - Moving forward Blidworth-On The   You don't have to be referred by your GP.
    Move is looking to encourage local people to get involved in   Interested?  Ring  INSIGHT  direct  on
    activities/events in our communities.  Our base is a community   0300 555 5582.
    hub sited within the Sherwood Forest Community Church in   Notts  County  Council  Wellbeing   SUPPORT NETWORK
    Blidworth and our aim is to support local people to have choices   Service:  We  will  be  having  drop-in  sessions  at  base,  to  help
    in getting involved in groups/events locally.       residents get more active, eat healthier, manage their weight, drink
    At  a  recent  meeting  of  Ravenshead  &  Blidworth  Rotary  Club   less alcohol, stop smoking, so that they can have a healthier life.
    meeting  the  charity  received  a  donation  of  funds  raised  at  the   For more information about these sessions look at our website or
    Rotary quiz night (please see the Rotary page in Newsletter for   email
    photos). These funds will go towards our fund-raising efforts to   Having a second vehicle, will open up new opportunities to take
    purchase our second vehicle.  This vehicle will be used to support   local residents out and about, for them to engage in events locally
    local people who are unable to access transport, due to isolation,   and further afield.   We offer our services to all vulnerable and
    vulnerability, mobility issues etc., helping these people in accessing   isolated people locally.   This includes dementia patients & their
    groups & activities that will improve their daily life.  As a charity   carers as we know they need as much support as we can offer.
    we have a 'can do' attitude and listen to what our local citizens are   Blidworth Memory Group leaders are offering to run ‘Dementia
    telling us.  Since we launched in May 2020, our work has focused   Friends' awareness sessions, and we will be running these from the
    on health & social care as well as transport.  Now, as we emerge   end  of  February.  Interested?  Just  drop  us  an  email:
    from the restrictions that have been imposed on us all, we are
    increasing the range of health & well-being groups being offered.
                                                        Finally,  I  should  like  to  tell  you  about  our  successful  ‘Getting
    On  Monday,  28th  February,  we  are  launching  ‘LIVING  WITH   Connected' Internet awareness group. This group is open to all and
    LONG-TERM CONDITIONS SUPPORT GROUP' from 1pm to 3pm   the aim is to reduce the fear of the internet whilst enjoying the
    at  the  Sherwood  Forest  Community  Church,  Main  Street,   freedom  and  information  that  it  can  offer.  We  are  now  taking
    Blidworth, NG21 0PR.   At the first meeting we will have people   names to join the group in April. Interested? Again, just let us
    from the NHS there to hear what people have to say about your   know.
    local services.  Newark & Sherwood District Council will also be in   After Easter, we are looking to resume the BLIDWORTH SINGING
    attendance  to  advise  residents  about  benefits,  financial  advice,   FOR FUN' sessions with Sarah Carlin.   More next month about
    energy crisis advice etc. The C.V.S. will also be around as well as our   this.
    own advisers to talk about how we can support members, health,
    and well-being as well as our intentions to set up a programme of   ‘WE NEED YOU’.  So, we are looking to our people to come up
    social events for the future.  As lead for the charity, I work closely   with ideas for raising funds and to volunteer at the charity.  This
    with Nottinghamshire NHS & Notts County Council and within   year we are the chosen charity being supported by Blidworth &
    these links we are going to offer the following support at our base.  Ravenshead Rotary, for which we are so grateful, thank you.
                                                        This is the start of our 2022 journey.  Want to know more then
    INSIGHT/IAPT  Services  will  be  running  `Wellness'  groups  to   please email us:, or
    support people with depression, anxiety and stress to help people   telephone: 07816 933 429.
    work out coping strategies. This course starts Tuesday 8  March.                          Gilly Hagen
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