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Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022 - 33
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The first team have been the busiest of the three signed from Blidworth Twitter - @RavensheadF
sides in the club this last month with a tough set Welfare. Email -
of fixtures against Ilkeston Town, Stapleford We are next scheduled to
Town and Southwell City, who are all flying high in the be playing at Cornwater on Tuesday, 8th March, against high
division. flying Woodthorpe Park Rangers (7.45) and then from the
First up was Ilkeston and this game saw a 2-0 victory for us 19th March we commence a run of home fixtures on a
at Cornwater with Ollie Higgins and skipper Luke Duerden Saturday afternoon with Bilborough Town the first of the
finding the net. A week later Stapleford arrived and ran out visitors, all 3pm kick offs.
3-0 winners then a trip to Southwell and despite being 1-0 up The vets have recorded a well earned 4-2 victory away
a half-time through Ryan Faulconbridge we ended with a 3-1 against Southwell Outlaws with Graham Crow (2), Ben
defeat. Both games have shown us the required standards we Gamble and Chris Bovey, grabbing the goals and we next play
need to aspire to and reach to enable us become a top 5 club. at home on the 27th February against Scredington whilst on
After a series of tough fixtures, we then took on FC Cavaliers the 6th March Bottesford visit Cornwater, both are 2pm kick
at Cornwater, a side currently sat at the wrong end of the offs.
table and we came away with a comfortable 3-0 victory The juniors recorded a fine 7-1 away victory at Quarrydale
thanks to Kallum Greaves, Josh Prince and an own goal. The with Blake Daniels, Mason Kerry and Edjay Azonabor all
game also saw debuts for Declan Muers who had joined us grabbing 2 each after Max Adey had volleyed the opener and
from Cavaliers a week earlier and Kieran Grant a striker set us on our way.
Ross Hardwick - First Team Manager
Struggling to reach your goals? Burglary - Haddon Road
Want to learn more about reaching your full potential ?
On Sunday 6th February we
Need help about how to nd your optimal diet & nutritional levels ? were broken into at 4.12pm in
Always held back by debilitating aches & injuries ? the afternoon. Luckily our
This workshop will answer those questions and provide you the help, burglar alarm went off. My
support and expertise from personal trainers and injury specialists neighbours saw two males
who have been helping people with their goals for many years. A series running away from our
of inputs, discussions and experiences designed to bring out the best
in you. Allow others to help you, make a better version of yourself at a property and immediately
one off workshop that will be fun, informative and motivational. called the Police. The Police
think they were looking for car
Kathryn and Tony have been involved in the tness industry for many keys which I do not leave in the
years and helped hundreds of people on a one to one basis. Take this house. There is CCTV footage
opportunity to use their knowledge and experience in a group setting, of the two males which could
going through all things tness amongst like - minded people who be useful for identification.
want to progress to the next level. Please be vigilant.
See our Advert on Notice Board page for further information.
Name and address supplied
Ravenshead Petanque Club News
The club held towards the end. Even the rain and
it’s first ever near freezing temperatures didn’t
Open Triples manage to stop play though.
tournament On the day, local knowledge of our notoriously tricky pistes
this month. proved invaluable, and Ravenshead players featured highly in the
The rather placings and prize money. Our members Roy Clark and Val
tongue in Tully along with Nottingham’s Peter Newton won the Gold
cheek and Main Event, overcoming an all Ravenshead trio of Julie Bridges,
optimistically Andy Green and Shirley Towle in the semis, and going on to beat
named Totally a much more experienced Leicestershire team in the final.
Tropical Several others from the club, including some for whom this was
Triples their first real competitive event, had some good results during
the day.
attracted a strong field of 72 plus players from all over the East
Midlands. Other recent successes for Ravenshead players include Sally Elson
& Alison Baker winning the Rainworth Ladies Open, and Julie
Several of the players entered into the spirit of things by
sporting colourful Hawaiian shirts - albeit it over several layers Bridges winning the monthly melee, again at Rainworth.
of winter clothing to combat the chilly weather. In fact, despite With so many of the club’s players now regularly entering and
horrendous forecasts the weather was actually quite kind to us performing well in competitions the future must surely look
for most of the day before the rain came down with a vengeance bright for Ravenshead Petanque. Roy Clark