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30 - Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022
Activities & Events From Your
Parish Churches
Introducing Chris Lawry. Since the start of the year Chris has been our organist at the Sunday services at St.
Peter’s and has accompanied many services in the Abbey Chapel. Chris was born in Cornwall and is a freelance
composer, arranger, orchestrator and consultant.
He lives in Derbyshire with his wife, a fellow composer. We count ourselves lucky to have such a talented musician
serving at St. Peter’s and the Abbey Chapel.
Living Your Confirmation. St. Peter’s is hosting the Bishop’s Confirmation Service in early summer this
year. Although a number of confirmation services happen in the diocese every year, this is a rare
opportunity to be confirmed in your home parish.
If you would like further information or details please contact the Church office tel. 01623 405203 open
weekday mornings 9am to 12 noon or email
Mothering Sunday is always the fourth Sunday in lent and has been celebrated in the UK since at
least the 16 Century. The Christian festivity originally celebrated Mother Mary in the largest Church
in the area, known as The Mother Church. This service became an occasion for family reunions with
the emphasis on the maternal member of the family, and it grew to be an annual custom known as
“going a Mothering”.
It was common in the 16 century for children as young as ten to be put to work as apprentices, maids
and domestic servants, working and living in various country manors, sometimes a fair distance from
home. They were given a day off for a reunion with their mothers (and the rest of the family) which
was an exciting occasion (particularly since for many working children this was one of the few days off
they had).
On their way home, some children would pick wild flowers to give as a gift to their mothers. Others
would bring home a cake from the manor house where they worked, usually a fruit cake, known as Simnel cake, which to this day is the
traditional Mothering Sunday cake.
In some churches, this happy reunion became a Mother themed church service where the spring flowers t hat were picked by the
children would be blessed by the church before being presented to the mother, and flower bouquets remain the most common
Mothering Sunday gifts today.
Ash Wednesday marks the first day in Lent. It is a solemn reminder of human mortality and the need
for reconciliation with God. It was the practice in Rome for penitents and sinners to be sprinkled with
ashes, dressed in sackcloth and they were obliged to remain apart until they were reconciled with the
Christian Community. This practise fell into disuse but there is still a service on Ash Wednesday in St.
Peter’s where ashes are placed in the form of a cross on the fore heads of those who are willing in the
congregation. The ashes are traditionally produced by burning the palms from Palm Sunday.
St. Peter’s Service of Ashing will be on Wednesday 2 .March at 7pm. Everyone is welcome.
Lent at St. Peter’s Church and The Abbey Chapel
Lent is the 40 days (not including Sundays) between Ash Wednesday and the Saturday before Easter
Sunday. This is the Christian season for the preparation for Easter. It is a time many Christians
observe fasting, repentance, moderation, self-denial and spiritual discipline.
This is an opportunity to set aside time for quiet reflection, preparing for Easter and grow closer to
God. Join us at St Peter’s. Lent starts on 2nd. March and in church we will be travelling Sunday by
Sunday through the biblical book of Hebrews. If you’d like to unpack with us this fascinating and unusual book, do come along.
Recycling at St. Peter’s.
Did you know you can recycle lots of items in the foyer of St. Peter’s Church during church
opening times (Sundays and weekday mornings 9am to 12 noon). You are welcome to drop off
a wide variety of materials but please separate them into the marked collection boxes which are
in the church foyer to the right side of the door as you go in. We would be grateful for unwanted
Foreign and Old English currency, used postage stamps, unwanted/broken jewelry and printer
ink cartridges. We also accept CLEAN foil and any small metal items and CLEAN plastic milk
bottle tops only.
All these items help to raise money for various charities. There is also a collection box in the
foyer for donations of food which will be regularly taken to the Arnold Food bank. Thank you for all donations made.