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Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022 - 31

                                Information From Your

                                     Parish Churches

                    Dear Friends,

                    Highlights of Hebrews
                   As the days start to lengthen I’m reminded that Spring is on its way and the church’s
                   season of Lent will soon begin, these being the weeks that take us from Ash

                   Wednesday on 2 nd  March through to Easter on 17 April. This bridge between winter

                   and Spring is a wonderful reminder of the fresh stirring of life and the promise of Jesus
                    to ‘make all things new’.

                   Many people mark Lent by either giving up something or taking up something, with the

  underlying aim being to improve our spiritual health. This can be done through charitable giving, prayer,

  reading of the Bible and additional discussions in small groups, to name just a few examples.
  This year the church would like to extend an open and warm invitation to everyone to come and enjoy a special series of reflections
  that will help us get to know one particular book of the Bible in greater depth, that of the book of Hebrews in the New Testa ment.

  Digging more deeply into the Bible is a tried and tested method of drawing closer to God and gaining fresh perspective for our lives.

  The reflections will be presented in our Sunday services by different members of the preaching team and no prior knowledge is

  required – just an openness to hear what God may have to say to us. The Sundays comprise these themes:

  6 March at 9.30 and 11.15 The Whole Package

  13 March ‘Special’ Service at 11am Holy Habits for Lent

  20 March at 9.30 and 11.15 Faith in Action

   27 March ‘Special’ Service at 11am for Mothering Sunday  A Caring Community
  3 April at 9.30 and 11.15  Completing the Course!

  There will be ideas for further reflection and discussion to take away at the end of the service, for those who are interested.

  I hope that all this will make a welcome change from giving up chocolate!

  With every blessing,


      COVID-caution, at the time of writing, it is at every person's discretion.  We would encourage people to undertake a

       lateral flow test before coming to an indoor service, to wear a mask while mobile, and check before sitting within
                           1 metre of other people. Gel will be available at all indoor services.

  ARRANGEMENTS FOR WORSHIP Everyone is welcome to all our services.

  St Peter’s on Sundays:         9.30am Parish Communion, 11.15am Informal Worship,  The 9.30am and the 11.15am services will

  be replaced by a combined Special Service at 11am  on the following dates 13 March - “Holy Habits” for Lent, 27 March -
                                               th                    th
  Mothering Sunday (with posies for all the women), 10 April - Palm Sunday , 17 April - Easter Sunday Holy Communion

  Choral Evensong will be sung on Sunday 6 March at 4pm

  St Peter’s on Wednesdays:   10.30am Holy Communion Service

  Wednesday 2 nd  March Service of Ashing 7pm
  St. Peter’s in the Woods 6pm on every 2 nd  Wednesday of the month (9 March)

  The Children and Family Service 6pm on every 4 Wednesday of the month (23 March)

  The St Peter’s Sunday Service will also be live streamed on our Facebook page

  Abbey Chapel on Sundays:    9.30am 2 nd  Sunday, Holy Communion
                           9.30am 4 Sunday, Matins

                    You can contact St. Peter’s Church by email

                       Contact Church Office: 01623 405203 Open weekday mornings 9am to 12 noon

  Vicar: The Revd Kate Byrom                  01623 452431.                       St. Peter’s Church Wardens:
                                                                                                                        Philip Johnson 07528
  Curate: The Revd Claire Melless
                                    01623 794301

  Revd Richard Kirby                                     01623 466582
  Reader: Kathryn Browne               01623 798523          Abbey Chapel Warden: Doreen Barringham
         For booking The Centre@ St. Peter’s please contact 0300 030 2910 or email
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