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Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022 - 25
     PERSONAL                        HALL BOOKINGS FOR RAVENSHEAD                           FRANK Drugs
  DESPERATE? lonely?                                                                           Helpline
   Suicidal?.  At the end of the   THE VILLAGE HALL  The Centre at St. Peter’s  LEISURE    24-hour, seven-days a week,
    line there is always the   Booking Secretary     Claire Mackenzie        CENTRE          free and confidential
     SAMARITANS            01623 792148             Phone 0300 030 2910       Mon/Fri      telephone service that offers
                                                                                            advice and information for
                                                                             9-11.30 am
   Phone: 116 123       Bookings before 7pm please  Mon/Thur 4.30-7 pm  those who are concerned, or
                                                                                           have questions, about drugs.
        email:  Church Lounge       Sat 9 am - 1.00 pm  The service is available
                      Please use our website to check   Phone CJ (Claire Hill) between                              9am-12noon,Monday to Friday,   Sun 9-11.30 am  to anyone.
                         the diary for availability
                                                   on 01623 405203 or email   491522        0300 123 66 00
   28  Mon – Ravenshead Ladies Probus – 12.30pm Portland College – Details from 01623 793039
   29  Tue Ravenshead & Hucknall Ramblers 09:30 - 5 miles/8.1 km - A walk within Nottinghamshire,   village
   an easy 5 mile (approx.) walk. Circular walk. Contact: Allan & Kath, 01623 797321,    bus
   29  Tues – Flower Arranging “March Madness”, demonstration by Dean Sharpe
                                                                                           March Trips
                                                                                       Tues 1st March - 1pm
   1st Fri - Music At The Hall presents 'The Jake & Elwood Blues Brothers Show - £20 - The Village   Sainsbury's & Aldi,
   Hall - Tickets phone 07478 499 298 or email
                                                                                       Mansfield £5 *
   6th Wed - Memory Lane Group – Meet at The Centre at St.Peter's – 1.45 to3.45pm. Come along   Fri 4th March - 9.30am
   for Coffee and Chat – Details and Info call Kathryn on 07989 825 322
                                                                                       Bakewell £7.50
   22nd Fri - Music At The Hall presents 'Andy Fairweather Low' - The Village Hall - Tickets phone   Tues 8th March - 1pm
   07478 499 298 or email
                                                                                       Floralands Garden Centre
   25  Mon – Ravenshead Ladies Probus – 12.30pm Portland College – Details from 01623 793039  £5 *

   26  Tues – Flower Arranging “Twigs and Twine” , demonstration by Nicola Davies-Murray  Fri 11th March - 9.30am
   28th Thurs Byron Probus - Speaker Meeting - John Draper – “A Trip around Ireland” - Portland   Sutton-in-Ashfield £5 *
   College                                                                             Tues 15th March - 1pm
   MAY                                                                                 Sainsbury's & Aldi,
   4th Wed - Memory Lane Group – Meet at The Centre at St.Peter's – 1.45 to3.45pm. Come along   Mansfield £5 *
   for Coffee and Chat – Details and Info call Kathryn on 07989 825 322                Fri 18th March - 9.30am
                                                                                       Mansfield £5 *
   6th Fri - Music At The Hall presents 'Chris Bannister, The Music of John Denver' - £10 - The
   Village Hall - Tickets phone 07478 499 298 or email   Tues 22nd March - 1pm
                                                                                       Southwell £5 *
   12th Thurs Byron Probus - Social Meeting - Portland College
                                                                                       Fri 25th March - 9.30am
   20th Fri - Music At The Hall presents 'Bob Drury's - Viva Neil Diamond'  - The Village Hall - Tickets   Denby Pottery Village
   phone 07478 499 298 or email

   23rd Mon – Ravenshead Ladies Probus – 12.30pm Portland College – Details from 01623 793039
                                                                                       Tues 29th March - 1pm
   24  Tues - Flower Arranging “From India with Love”, demonstration by Marie Bradley  Portland & St Peter's Retail
   26th Thurs Byron Probus - Speaker Meeting  - Richard Hall – “Locked down in Caythorpe” -   Parks, Mansfield £5 *
   Portland College
                                                                                          * Concessions apply
                                                                                       For details/bookings

   1st Wed - Memory Lane Group – Meet at The Centre at St.Peter's – 1.45 to3.45pm. Come along   490888
   for Coffee and Chat – Details and Info call Kathryn on 07989 825 322
   9th Thurs Byron Probus - Social Meeting - Portland College                              07484 610 422
                                                                                        with answer phone
    Ravenshead Library
                                                           Free Event

                   Celebrates its 50 Birthday

                             Have you seen our Exhibition ?
                             ‘50 years of Ravenshead Library’

                                 Visit anytime during our regular opening hours

                          Ravenshead Library Milton Court Ravenshead NG15 9BD
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30