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24 - Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022
                                      Sunday Services
                              ST PETER'S CHURCH  Anglican                    NEWSTEAD ABBEY - Anglican
      ASHWOOD              Church Office 01623 405203  Email:
                                                                            Church Office 01623 405203  Email:
       CHURCH                       Services from September 2021
                          2  Sundays of the month 11am Special combined service.     Services from September
     Meeting in the Ashwood   All other Sundays 9.30am Parish Communion11.15am informal Worship                                    2021
     Centre, Kirkby in Ashfield.  Wednesdays at 10.30am Holy Communion.     nd
                          2 . Wednesday of the month at 6pm St.Peter's in the Woods  2  Sunday at 9.30am Book of Common Prayer
                           nd  Service held in the grounds of Ravenshead School.   Communion
          Local contact:   4   Wednesdays of the month 6pm Children and Family   4   Sunday at 9.30am Book of Common Prayer Matins
       Molly Bell 401450  Everyone welcome.                                 Everyone welcome
                                             Blidworth Methodist  Barrie & Diana Richmond  797939
          Ready Call       FEBRUARY
                           27  Sun Ravenshead & Hucknall Ramblers 09:00 - 7.5 miles/12.1 km – Easy Sence Valley Forest
      Helping to care      Park (National Forest).  Contact: Mick or Margaret, 07896 782944 or 0115 9279500,
      for the residents
       of Ravenshead       28  Mon – Ravenshead Ladies Probus – 12.30pm Portland College – Details from 01623 793039
     We have volunteers    MARCH
        able to help
       with shopping       2  Wed - Memory Lane Group – Meet at The Centre at St.Peter's – 1.45 to 3.45pm. Come along
       and transport.      for Coffee and Chat – Details and Info call Kathryn on 07989 825 322
  For more information and   4th Fri - Music At The Hall presents 'Spencer James' - £10 - The Village Hall - Tickets phone 07478
  requests for help, ring Co-  499 298 or email
  ordinator Karen Goodwin,  5  Sat Ravenshead & Hucknall Ramblers 09:00 - 7.7 miles/12.4 km - Epperstone to Halloughton. A
        on 490749
                           moderate circular walk over field paths.   Contact: Allan & Kath, 01623 797321,
                           9th Wed - Abbey Gates WI. AGM. 7:30 at the Village Hall.
                           9  Wed Memory Lane Group- meet at The Centre -2.15-4.15pm. Group for people with dementia
   Crime Stoppers 0800 555111
                           and their carers to come along for coffee & Chat. For further info- Margaret 01623-798854
    Police 101 (non emergency)
     Police 999( emergency)  10th Thurs Byron Probus - Social Meeting - Portland College
   Domestic Violence helpline   13th Sun - Music At The Hall presents 'Hazel O'Connor' - Seated £20 Standing £17.50 - The Village
     0808 800 0340 (24 hrs)
                           Hall - Tickets phone 07478 499 298 or email - POSTPONED
        Drugs Helpline       th
        0300 1236600       13  Sun Ravenshead & Hucknall Ramblers 09:00 - 6 miles/9.7 km – Easy Staunton Harold, Calke
     Surgery -01623 795461  Abbey & Ticknall circular walk. Contact: Jane, 07779 167502,
     Chemist 01623 792584  18th Fri - Music At The Hall presents 'Gerry's Pacemakers & Love Affair's Steve Ellis' - The Village
        Cat Protection     Hall - Tickets phone 07478 499 298 or email
        01623 845846         th
                           19  Sat Ready Call Bacon Baps & Coffee Morning – Village Hall 10am to 12noon – Info from
     Library 01623 794634  490749
   Parish Council   490035   th
      Highways Helpline    19  Sat Health & Fitness Workshop – 2pm to 5pm Ravenshead Village Hall – Info from Tony 07904
                           788 270 or Kathryn 07429 495 175
        0115 977 3377
  Gedling Borough Council 0115   24th Thurs Byron Probus – AGM - Portland College 14th Thurs April Byron Probus - Social
         901 3901          Meeting
     Refuse 0115 901 3839    th
                           27  Sun Ravenshead & Hucknall Ramblers 09:00 - 8.5 miles/13.7 km – Moderate Snake Path &
    Gedling Borough Council   Hope Forest. Circular walk. This walk is limited to 20 places (including walk leader), please check
      Emergency Number
        0800 096 0306      place availability with walk leader. Contact: Merv, 07704 582096 or 01623 619557,
    Kings Mill 01623 622515

                        SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL  Mansfield and District

                                           Craft          Fair

                   Saturday, 26 March 2022 10am - 2.30pm  Admission 50p
                                    Ravenshead Village Hall

                                        Vernon Crescent, Ravenshead  NG15 9BN
                         Come and join us, spend time    browsing our variety of stalls and hunt for bargains

               Stalls to include Purple Community Fund, Books, Cakes, Bric a Brac, Shabby Chic, Recycling woodworking from Portland

                   Training College learners, Tombola and many more. Interested stall holders contact

                                   All monies raised will be donated to Women’s refuge,
      Hot and cold
   r refreshments available  Liver organ donation/transplant, Woodland café Portland training college.
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