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4 - Ravenshead Newsletter - 03/2022
We take the safety of our passengers very seriously and all our volunteer drivers are MiDAS (Minibus
Driver Awareness Scheme) trained. We are very lucky to have our own qualified, in-house 'Driver
Assessor Trainers' who ensure drivers are reassessed and their training refreshed every four years. A
huge amount of time goes into planning and delivering the training and a big 'thank you' to
Richard Baker and Roger Scott for arranging three 'catch up' sessions at The Centre at St Peter's
over the last few months.
Six months ago, I posted on the Ravenshead
Local Facebook page with the aim of recruiting
new drivers and we have been delighted to
welcome four new volunteers to the team. I
am asking for your help once again please. Do
you have some spare time on your hands to
put something back into our amazing
community? Do you have a D1 category on your driving licence? Perhaps
you have recently retired and are wondering what you can get involved with
that will be rewarding and 'fit' around other commitments. Look no further!
You can give as much or as
little time as you want. Our
community transport is an
absolute lifeline to many of
our residents. We operate a
range of services from local
routes, transport for the
Cornwater Evergreen's Club
five days a week, trips out for our 70 affiliated groups and some private hire
requests. On some of our trips a little further afield, there is often space for a
partner to accompany you. If this has grabbed your interest and you want to
know a bit more about us, please give me a call on 07484 610 422 or 490 888. We
cannot operate without our team of volunteer drivers!
Spring is around the corner
With the recent pandemic having an effect on all of us and curtailing our travel I am
sure many of us are looking forward to longer days and finer weather. Our trips this
month include the lovely market town of
Bakewell in the Derbyshire Dales and also
Denby Pottery Village where you can browse
the factory and gift shop, garden stall and their
new farm shop as well as having a bite to eat in the coffee shop & bistro. They have
social distancing and enhanced cleaning measures in place to keep you all safe. You will
need to book your seat so give Karen a call on the usual numbers. All our March trips are
detailed in the centre pages.
Customer Service Helpline
01623 490888/07484610422
Ravenshead Memory Lane Group
The U3A belly dancing group provided the Group with a fun
afternoon. There was lots of singing and foot tapping by the
members to the ladies dancing for us. A few brave people joined in the
dancing at the end. We also
had a couple of musical
quizzes and finished with a
singalong. Our next meeting is
on Wednesday 2nd March
when our topic will be birds.
For further information please
contact: Margaret - 07488 320
618, Jackie - 07778 445 242,
or Kathryn - 07989 825 322