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                                                                   with Lauren Devonshire

       This month is all about gardening! It all starts this month and it is time to get
                  busy, with plenty of tasks to be on with at this time of year.

    Let's take a look at some jobs you can be doing in your garden this month:
    •  Plant bare root fruit.
    •  Get planting your potatoes. You don't need much space either, just a simple pot or
       empty compost bag will suffice!
    •  Ensure frost protection is in place for those chilly winter nights.
    •  Plant onion sets now for an abundance of home-grown onions.
    •  Create a herb garden, there are so many wonderful and unusual herbs to choose   Find us halfway between
                                                                              Oxton and Southwell, NG25 0RW
                                                                                      T 0115 9655450
    •  Mow lawns on dry days.
    •  Look out for plants and shrubs that are interesting this month. Plant these in your   Email
       garden for march colour and interest.
    •  Plant summer flowering bulbs for a striking show of colour during the summer.

    Looking Good This Month
    Salix also known at 'Pussy Willow' or 'Kilmarnock Willow' is looking superb this month.
    It is a real treat to see the morning dew droplets on the emerging buds. There have
    been some wonderful new varieties introduced over the past few years including the
    'Cat' varieities such as 'Red Cat' and 'Silver Cat'. As the names suggest, the buds are
    red and silver. 'Mount Aso' is another notable variety, with its pink buds. The wonderful
    thing about salix is their resilience to most aspects and situations. They also cope well
    with a hard prune, so there is no worry regarding specific pruning guidelines.
                                                                                     Salix 'Mount Aso'

    Also Looking Good This Month
    The flowering Quince, Japanese Quince or Chaenomeles is undoubtedly stunning this
    month. Being a member of the rosaceae family, it is no surprise the flowers resemble
    that of a wild rose. Truly beautiful. Do not be fooled however, by their dainty
    appearance, the stems do bear rather sharp spines, so this is a great option for a
    border shrub on the edge of a boundary or up against a  wall or fence. Another great
    contender for most soil types and aspects, you really cannot go wrong with this
    delightful shrub.
                                                                              Chaenomeles x superba 'Vermillion'
        The gardening season has begun, it is time to get outdoors, get gardening and make the most of your

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