Page 58 - May
P. 58
Vitaly K urenno y: "W e
Vitaly Kurennoy: "We
underestimate the creative
underestimate the creativ e
potential of R
potential of Russia"
The global creative sector is growing even Sergei Bodrunov: Today we will talk about how
during crises. So, against the backdrop the creative economy is developing in Russia. What
of the quarantine, when the shares of prevents us from competing with the leaders in this
oil companies fell, streaming services sector?
soared, and sales of video games grew Vitaly Kurennoy: Sergei Dmitrievich, for a
by 63% in 50 countries. It is possible that start I will bring some clarity to the concepts. On
in the future the traditional raw material the one hand, creativity is an integral part of any
model will be replaced by a creative one, economy. The entire modern economy is based, as
experts say. How the creative economy is Joseph Schumpeter said, on creative destruction.
developing in Russia and what prevents Any innovation that drives the economy is always
the country from competing with the creativity. Why is creativity bad in Russia? Probably
leaders in this sector was discussed by because we are generally not very good at
the President of the VEO of Russia and the entrepreneurship and innovation.
International Union of Economists Sergey We see that the most expensive companies
Bodrunov and the head of the School of in the world are no longer raw materials, not
Cultural Studies at the Higher School of mechanical engineering, they are companies such
Economics Vitaly Kurennoy. as Amazon, Facebook, that is, representing creative
industries. The modern economy is becoming less
and less tied to tangible assets, and more and more
tied to knowledge, creativity, creativity. But there
is also a narrower concept of creative industries. It
took shape in the late 90s in Great Britain, when a
certain list of these industries was selected, and the
British government is pursuing a purposeful policy
of their development. These are media, industrial
design, fashion, advertising market, IT technologies,
computer games. But these are also traditional
58 Stanochniy park