Page 66 - June
P. 66


                                                                            of my invention for the whole world and
                                                                            convinced by my own experience of its
                                                                            potential, but wishing to bring special
                                                                            benefit to my fatherland ... I ask you
                                                                            to  allow me  to  carry  out  my  project
                                                                            at  the expense  of  the government  at
                                                                            one of the state-owned factories; ... in
                                                                            addition  to  the  technical  advantages
                                                                            ... would represent millions  of  dollars
                                                                            in  savings  for  our  state.  Millions of
                                                                            hard-hitting coins could remain in our
                                                                                   The  ministry  took  a  different
                                                                            approach to the wonderful project. The
                                                                            "authoritative"  commission  ridiculed
                                                                            the inventor, referring to the fact that
                                                                            ... abroad they do not make stoves like
                    Modern mill for rolling armor plates                           This did not end there.
                                                                                   The commission and  the  Grand
                                                                            Duke, to whom Pyatov also addressed,
        promised  to  "check"  the  correctness  of  the  project  and  "find  out  the  opinion"  of  foreign
        industrialists about it.
               Soon, the grand duke visited England, where he told about the invention of the Russian
        master to the local breeder Brown. Brown, who instantly appreciated the enormous significance
        of  the  invention  made  by  the  Russian  metallurgist,  easily  assured  his interlocutor  that  the
        Russian project was worthless, that all this was supposedly both difficult and expensive. A year
        later, in the city of Sheffield in England, the first rolling mill began to work, from under the
        shafts of which thick steel plates crawled out. The inventor of the stanzas was ... Brown. He
        even had the privilege of this invention.
               After the idea of rolling armor was stolen by an Englishman, the Naval Ministry bought
        from him the right to use a Russian invention in Russian factories for huge money!
        The indignation of Pyatov himself and other honest people who knew the history of his invention,
        of course, did not lead to anything.
               And how could it be otherwise in Russia at that time!

        To be continued.

                                                                                     "Stories about the Russian Championship"
                                                                                                              Moscow, 1950

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