Page 26 - The History of Watertown Savings Bank_Neat
P. 26

Isaac L. Hunt

         Watertown Savings Bank
                                                                                                         new F.W. Woolworth Building in the heart of
                                                           When Isaac L. Hunt took over as Watertown
         President                                       Savings Bank president in 1907, he became more  downtown. By that time, the bank’s assets had
         1907 - 1934                                     than a prestigious figurehead for the bank. Mr.   grown to more than $4 million.
                                                         Hunt, an attorney, was credited for expanding     He helped lead the bank through the First
                                                         the role of the WSB bank president by becoming   World War, and positioned it to not only survive,
                                                         actively involved in the day-to-day operations of   but thrive, during the Great Depression of the
                                                         the institution.                                1930s. By the time he retired in 1934, the bank’s
                                                           Although his background was in the legal      assets had grown to more than $6 million.
                                                         system, Mr. Hunt was described as possessing a    Mr. Hunt was born the son of a clergyman in
                                                         “sound viewpoint in financial matters” and some   Herkimer County in 1850. He graduated from
                                                         even called him a “genius as a banker.”         Union College, Schenectady, where he majored

                                                           Mr. Hunt had joined the Watertown Savings     in law.
                                                         Bank board of trustees in 1897. At age 57, he     In 1872, he was admitted to the Jefferson
                                                         became the bank’s fourth president, and served in   County Bar and became a practicing attorney. Mr.
                                                         that position until retiring in 1934. He held the   Hunt served as a member of the Jefferson County
                                                         position of president for 27 years, making him the   Bar for 67 years until his death, and had earned
                                                         longest serving president of Watertown Savings   the distinction of being the oldest living member
                                                         Bank.                                           of the Jefferson County Bar Association.
                                                           He guided the Watertown Savings Bank            He was also interested in politics, and served
                                                         through nearly three decades of economic, social   three successive terms in the New York State
                                                         and political changes. Mr. Hunt worked diligently   Legislature starting in 1881, representing the
                                                         to establish the bank’s reputation and stability   Jefferson County District as an assemblyman.
                                                         following the turn of the century, and at the
                                                         same time, significantly increased its assets and   It was his role in state politics that led him to
                                                         customer base.                                  form a friendship with Theodore Roosevelt. Mr.
                                                                                                         Roosevelt was President of the United States
                                                           Among his many accomplishments, Mr. Hunt      from 1901 to 1909. Prior to his presidency, Mr.
                                                         led the effort in 1921 to relocate WSB from its   Roosevelt had served as governor of New York
                                                         original office to a much larger space inside the   State from 1899 to 1900.

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