Page 16 - Timber_Log_Buildings.serifbackup
P. 16
Ritsu - conclusions
Whether you are looking for that chocolate box cabin in However, we understand now the resource of forests
the woods or a modern home, fit for city life, Ritsu have and their ability to capture carbon. Which off-sets the
the answer, choose from our standard collection where emissions associated with processing and production.
prices are lower because a lot of the design work has
been completed, or, opt for bespoke design where your You will have learned about captured carbon and
home is designed with you in mind, your way. embodied carbon - the Sky building featured earlier will
reduce its emissions to zero for about 18 years as it has
If you have gotten this far you would have learned about replaced traditional steel and concrete with timber.
the many attributes of building in timber and be
somewhat more informed about how timber as a Traditional homes we have seen, are going to be forced
building material is better connected from an to work in way that log homes already work, cool in
environmental perspective. summer, warm in winter, reducing reliance on heating
and cooling.
Coerced maybe, many architectural practices are now
gaining greater understanding about timber as a Ritsu’s own manufacturing processes make use of
structural solution in larger projects, however, it’s use in waste materials - using them as bio-fuel to heat their
providing solutions for family homes, holiday lets and factories and selling excess waste material to other bio-
even for small businesses is still a neglected area. fuel plants.
We have looked at forestry techniques and You are assured then that purchasing a log building
management from Finnish forests and been open and from Ritsu really does help to reduce the carbon
honest, as any processed or manufactured product has footprint of your project - packaged in a quality product.
an impact on the environment, specifically on harmful
emissions. December 2021
Figure 19- (Clockwise from top) Elisa, bespoke internal, Jordan, Aifi