Page 11 - Timber_Log_Buildings.serifbackup
P. 11

Timber Buildings - thermal mass

        The term thermal mass is in widespread use but,
        technically, the term refers to a process rather than a
        material which is where the misnomer occurs, it’s more
        accurate to use:

                                                             Figure 10 - Thermal Mass - summer cooling
        A building that has good thermal mass is one that has
        the ability to absorb, store and release the suns energy.
        The material density and thermal capacity of material
        used in the building help to keep the temperature in a
        building stable - objects that have good thermal capacity
        have inherent qualities of heating and cooling.

        UK Building Regulations have, over the last 40 years or
        more, striven to improve insulation in UK homes. With
        mean temperatures on the rise - 0.9 degrees C higher  Figure 11 - Thermal Mass - winter heating
        2001-2019, overheating in our homes is becoming a
        cause for concern. The need for insulation is now under  To make effective use of thermal mass first, the home
        review with a focus on using passive solar control and  should be ideally positioned to take full advantage of
        building materials that can work with passive methods.  summer and winter sun. Sunlight entering through a
                                                             window hits a wall (here we assume a Ritsu log in a
        The problem is, all of the modern methods of         building) where it excites the electrons in the timber,
        construction so far as housing is concerned , many   setting them in motion.
        cannot be readily adapted to make use of thermal
        capacity, except perhaps for concrete, used almost   It’s a complex process where atoms make a quantum
        exclusively in flats and scores badly with its embodied  transition from “electronically excited” to “vibrationally
        carbon - meaning that brick and block is going to be  excited” meaning the energy causes the whole atom to
        around for some time yet, with all of its inherent issues  move which we feel as heat, these atoms then collide
        concerning global emissions.                         with other atoms, dissipating their energy in the log -
                                                             storing heat. When the sun sets, this heat will be
                                                             radiated back into the room.

        As we write this, we are looking at a publication online  Thermal mass works even in low levels of sunlight as
        called “Green Passive Solar Magazine” - it’s about   photons are ever present, during the summer it is used
        thermal mass and it’s wrong as it gives two examples of  to flush warm air out of a home by opening windows -
        thermal mass in action - a concrete path and a timber  cooling the building.
                                                             In winter months keeping windows and doors closed
        The concrete path has melted and obviated the need to  allows the heat to radiate back into the room - keeping
        shovel snow, a deck to the authors rear garden       the building warmer and reducing the need to use
        meanwhile is still evenly covered in snow.           additional heating.

        This is offered as evidence of thermal mass but the  “Warm in winter, cooler in summer” - is a term you find
        author has confused thermal capacity with thermal    used in association with a timber log building and for
        mass, demonstrating how difficult this subject is!   good reason!
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