Page 2 - Leeni_Spec_v2
P. 2

One of our smaller log buildings - a log cabin
          in miniature!

          If you have a moderately sized garden then
                                                            Norway Spruce, from managed and sustained forests in Fin-
          Leeni can serve in a variety of ways to resolve
          a problem to replace an existing building or
          solve a new need?
                                                            L O G   S I Z E S
          Unlike many garden buildings, Leeni can be
          used year round and as a traditional log          ● Square - 202 mm externally
          building, will easily outlast pretty much every   ● Square - 114 mm internally
          other type of garden building. With minimal
          maintenance we anticipate a life span of over
          100 years.

          Featured in our plans it offers a lounge area,
          kitchenette, walk in shower with wc and of
          course, the sauna but its internal layout is up
          to you.

          Leeni is a standard model and benefits the
          customer by reducing design costs and time.



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