Page 5 - Leeni_Spec_v2
P. 5


         A simple question with a complicated answer! The cost
         of our buildings is a known entity, but, a simple modifi-
         cation can have a significant effect on cost.

         About 90% of what we build is built to a customers de-
         sign. This process takes longer and can have an impact
         on the final cost depending on the design, engineering,
         production and assembly.

         Generally the answer is no - it is often more cost-effec-
         tive to have your foundations or base laid by a local
         contractor. We are making increasing use of ground
                                                                      Our helpful Planning Guide is available if you are
         screws which whilst not cheaper is certainly faster.
                                                                      looking for a plot, or already have one and are
                                                                      looking to build or buy your own home.

         The answer to this question is yes! We can cover instal-     We are sorry but with our key architectural re-
         lation anywhere in the UK, including Northern Ireland        sources based in Estonia we cannot execute Plan-
         and the Republic of Ireland.                                 ning Applications on your behalf and anyway, as our
                                                                      Guide points out, Local knowledge in Planning is a
                                                                      clear advantage.

       H O W   M U C H   D O E S   I T   C O S T   T O   B U I L D   A   L O G   H O M E ?
       A    s hinted at above, this can be a complex answer as there are many factors affecting the build outside of the ac-
            tual building itself, but we can help you with a budget price to start with along with a price for erection.

       Budget overspends with our buildings are unlikely as everything down to the last socket and light switch will be
       planned. Onto a prepared base, then the house and build costs are known and fixed from an early stage, bear in mind
       we also serve, planning permission aside, as your architect and structural engineer and we do assist you during the
       planning process, architects fees alone could easily be 10% of the project cost which for a bespoke build for a building
       like Gregor, would easily top £10,000, plus engineers fees, foundations would be more expensive, etc.
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