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M c K i n l e y   M i d d l e   A c a d e m i c   M a g n e t

                                         ADMISSION                                                                                                              what you need to know

                                                                                                                                                                to become a MUSTANG!


                                 A student must achieve an overall                                              A student must score at a                                                         A student MUST apply within the

                                 2.5 GPA or above for the last four                                             Proficient level in ELA and Math on                                               Magnet Application Period and

                                 consecutive semesters (2 years)                                                a district approved test                                                          provide all required documents

                                 TO APPLY VISIT WWW.EBRMAGNET.ORG

              if you have any questions please contact Magnet Site Coordinator Elizabeth Thomas at
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