Page 8 - 2023 Marketing Guide_Final_Flipbook
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Be Pro Be Proud utilizes a Mobile Workshop featuring a variety of
               simulators to provide a hands-on approach to learning about key professions, their impact on our
               state’s workforce, and the opportunity for Arkansas residents. Van Buren students will tour the
               simulator and learn more about employment opportunities of these industries in the River Valley.
               The Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop is presented by the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce.

                       Date:   TBD 2023
                       Venue: Van Buren Schools
                       Attendance: 100 students

                                       Company logo with hyperlink on event page
                                           of the Chamber Website Calendar.                 ✓
                                                  38,000+ visits yearly

                                  Exclusive Sponsorship. Signage with logo near simulator   ✓

                               Company logo listed in all promotion, social media, Chamber
                                                      e-Newsletter                          ✓
                                                                             Investment:   $500

                                                           Van Buren teachers and staff will spend a Profession-
                                                           al Development day touring local industries and
                                                           learning more on bridging education to industry. In
                                                           the afternoon, teachers will learn from a panel of lo-
                                                           cal leaders on what can be done to encourage stu-
                                                           dents into these areas of work. Sponsors will serve as
                                                           the panelists.
                     Dates:  TBD, 2023
                    Venue: TBD
                    Attendance:   50-75
                                        Company logo with hyperlink on event page
                                            of the Chamber Website Calendar.                 ✓

                                 Company loo listed in all promotion, social media, Chamber
                                                       e-Newsletter                          ✓

                                                   Signage at the event                      ✓

                                 Opportunity to serve on panel of Industry Experts during event   ✓

                                        May offer branded “giveaways” to teachers            ✓
                                                                               Investment:   $500
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