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communication open in this           service interactions, needs         – and to successful employer
        new era, Allen recommends            and challenges, and perhaps         and employee interactions –
        owners and operators become          big wins,” she says. “Or, at        is continuing throughout the
        more intentional about check-in      the beginning of the week,          country, even in the midst of a
        meetings with their employees.       employees can send their            pandemic that’s led to a shift in
            “Don’t focus only                                                           workplace culture.
        on the task or the job                                                             “Individual companies
        needing to be done.             Kidd believes there’s been a                    are showcasing their
        Although they’re critical to   silver lining for employer and                   unique abilities to
        day-to-day operations, in                                                       creatively address their
        these times, I encourage    employee interactions as a result                   various situations –
        you to go deeper,” Allen                   of COVID-19.                         remote work, digital
        says.                                                                           communications only
            Instead, owners and                                                         and so forth – to provide
        operators should check in on         bosses notifications that outline   outstanding service in a
        their employees to see how           what they have planned for the      challenging time,” Kidd explains.
        they’re doing emotionally and        week, along with their intended         “To me, the last few months
        physically, she adds. Ask them       schedules.”                         have demonstrated the roots
        what you can do to help them.                                            of the propane industry, which
        Be authentic as you ask them         A silver lining                     are so based in family and
        how they are doing.                     Kidd believes there’s been       community,” she adds. “And
            Aside from one-on-one            a silver lining for employer and    they’ve shown thousands
        meetings with employees,             employee interactions as a          of propane professionals’
        owners and operators can also        result of COVID-19. In particular,   commitments to customer
        encourage team meetings with         she’s heard propane owners and      service, which they always
        one another or as a group in         operators mention that the virus    have.”
        a virtual setting. Group chats,      has led them to look at their
        which aren’t necessarily focused     own electronic communication        SOURCE:www.lpgasmagazine.
        on work, can also be created.        policies and procedures,            com, Chris Lewis July 24,2020
            “The propane industry is         and better prepare for other
        unique. Often, employees are         emergencies in the future.              For more information
        like their own family within            Furthermore, PERC is
        work,” Allen says. “So, encourage    noticing a rise in online training,          CLICK HERE
        engagement and interaction           as the propane industry is
        above and beyond work.”              rising to the occasion to
            She also believes leaders        ensure employees’ needs and
        have the responsibility to be        interests are being met. And the
        engaged with their employees         dedication to customer service
        during the shift to digital and
        remote work, as they should
        create examples of how to
        interact with others. On the            Steven M. Krutsinger, President
        other hand, employees should
        own their roles and places in
        remote work too. They should
        never feel isolated, nor should
        they wait for managers to reach
        out to them.
            “Employees should                          Propane Delivery Truck Fabrication & Repair
        consider a weekly recap that
        they create to send to their                   4511 North 56th Street • Tampa, Florida 33610
        bosses at the end of the week,                    Phone 813-621-4484, Fax 813-626-3128
        which summarizes major                               Email:
        work deliverables, customer

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