Page 16 - FPGA JulyAug20 FINAL
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NPGA, CFATS Program Extended for
Three Years
his week, President Democrats introduced several landscape in Congress, there
Trump signed S. 4148, legislative proposals that would was not an opportunity to
Ta three-year extension have increased the compliance modify the program beyond
of the Chemical Facilities burden on many industries the existing requirements
Anti-Terrorism Standards regulated by the program. nor was there an appetite to
Program, which sets security Conversely, Senate Republicans do so from the legislators’
requirements for chemical threatened to defund the perspective. NPGA is planning
and energy facilities across program entirely, which would to meet with DHS officials to
the country. The three-year have created significant further discuss opportunities to
extension will renew the existing uncertainty around security modify the threshold quantities
program requirements through requirements at CFATS facilities. and the agency’s approach to
July 27, 2023. Throughout the recent its regulation of the propane
In recent years, the CFATS reauthorization efforts, NPGA industry.
program had become a engaged Congressional For more information about
political football in Congress stakeholders and Administration CFATS, and NPGA’s advocacy
and was subject to a number officials at the Department efforts in this space, please
of short-term extensions. The of Homeland Security in an contact Tyler Lawrence, NPGA’s
majority in both chambers attempt to lessen the burden Manager of Legislative Affairs at
looked to shape the future of of the CFATS program on
the program through vastly the propane industry and its
differing viewpoints. House customers. Given the political SOURCE: NPGA July 23,2020
16 Propane Magazine July/August 2020