Page 8 - FPGA JulyAug20 FINAL
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                                                                                        Melissa Everatt
                                                                                     Tri-State Distributors

            Your role with          How long have you          What are your hopes         goals? Tell us about
        your company/ brief         been involved with         for the future of the       yourself a little:
        work bio: I’ve been         the FPGA?                  Propane Industry and           I am married to my
        with Tri State for 6        Got involved when I        our association?            husband Randy, and
        years – territory sales     joined TSD  5 years.           Competition is          have 2 english cream
        representative;  we                                    tough and money             Golden retrievers;  we
        are a wholesale dis-        Are you on any FPGA        is tight for extra’s –      currently reside in
        tributors and I work in     Committees?                FPGA helps to keep          Altamonte Springs Fl,
        the gas division.  Du-      Suppliers – Chair          things evolving and         I have had the chance
        ties include business       Convention                 looking to the future.      to live in a few amaz-
        development, sales,                                    Using technology and        ing places before
        training and cultivat-      What advice would          other ways to con-          settling down later in
        ing customer relation-      you have for a new         tinue to educate the        life – Aspen, CO, Sau-
        ships                       member of the FPGA?        future of propane use.      salito, CA and a few
            Background is              Get involved – the                                  places in between…..
        mostly retail and           knowledge, education       Are you originally          always coming back
        sales in the cooking        and growth is amaz-        from FL? If not, how        to Fla.
        industry;  owned my         ing ;  all the people      did you end up here?           Lived in Ft Lauder-
        own outdoor kitchen         that are a part of this        I was born in           dale for years before
        business for years          organization are first     Atlanta, GA and we          moving back to the
        in Ft Lauderdale,  in       class, empowering          moved to Fla when           Orlando area.
        which TSD was one of        and truly passionate.      I was about 2.  My             I love to travel,
        my vendors;  had to         FPGA = great people        parents both grew up        love the water and
        move to Orlando due         and a tremendous           in Winter Park, FL  and     the sun, love to cook
        to family illness and a     resource, no mat-          I grew up in St Peters-     and entertain, college
        opportunity opened          ter what part of the       burg,                       football (SEC rules)
        up with TSD;  very          propane business you                                   weekends and spend-
        happy to have found         are in.                    How about your fam-         ing time with family
        my family in TSD                                       ily, your free time ac-     and friends doing all
                                                               tivities, your personal     of those things.

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