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                               Executive Director’s Report

                                       FPGA members,

                                             he weather is getting cooler thankfully and predictions of our me-
                                             teorologists are that the country will have a cold winter.  Let us hope
                                       Tthat is the case.  Still talking weather, we are not out of hurricane
                                       season yet but have been relatively unscathed with the busy season this
                                       year.  While its good for everyone not to have damage, the gas load is
                                       awesome during tropical weather and it allows us to show our value of
                                       “reliability and resilience” that is so important.
                                           As President Kevin Bahr commented and its no surprise to you all, we
                                       have a lot at stake (personal and business) with politics these days.  While
                                       I am not going to get into everyone’s politics, there is much at stake with
                                       public perception to fossil fuels and that is what propane is.  The nega-
              Dale Calhoun,            tive fossil fuel message is not good, and policymakers are making moves
         FPGA Executive Director       on electrify everything supported by the environmental groups across
                                       the country.  This year and even more in 2021, I am working between the
                                       Florida Propane Gas Association and the Florida Natural Gas Association
                                       to slow any movement in Florida that would try to prohibit gas use and
                                       with that there will be a very well planned communications campaign to
                                       support the effort.  This is a task that will be on my daily checklist for some
                                       time into the future.  If you would like to help and have good personal
                                       relationships with local and state elected leaders, please let me know and
                                       I would appreciate having you as part of a grassroots effort.
                                           I am excited for another round of meetings at the end of the month and
                                       for the first ever virtual Safety School.  I appreciate all the work that Leslie,
                                       Kerry, and Shari are putting into these events and the patience they have
                                       with me as well and thank you to everyone for your support to the associa-
                                       tion, I look forward to more successes together.  Stay safe!


                              Steven M. Krutsinger, President

                                     Propane Delivery Truck Fabrication & Repair

                                     4511 North 56th Street • Tampa, Florida 33610
                                        Phone 813-621-4484, Fax 813-626-3128

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