Page 9 - FPGA SeptOct2020 final
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calculations, Perkins says. suddenly face quarantine important to contact and
Alternative sourcing options orders? hopefully get under contract, as
should be accounted for on a How are retailers expecting they are likely to be unaware of
continuing basis, as medical to maintain operations if the disruption they can cause
experts are expressing fears members of their own staff are to a marketer when they are
of an extra-fraught flu season forced to call in sick or rendered low on fuel in the middle of
coupled with heightened homebound while caring for high heating demand or during
coronavirus outbreaks. stricken family members? periods of higher agricultural
“It’s important for you “We’re going to be dealing demand, says Perkins.
to realize where your gas is with COVID-19 for this entire There is plenty of propane
coming from, and make your winter, and marketers need supply in the U.S., Rachal says,
contingency plans accordingly,” to think this through,” says as the nation has averaged
says John Powell, senior vice Perkins. “We’ve all been thinking exports of 1.119 million barrels
president and head of the that there’s going to be some per day (bpd) so far this year
marketing, supply and logistics miracle that will change things, compared to 1.064 million bpd
group at Crestwood Equity but it looks like that miracle is during the same period last
Partners. not going to happen.” year.
As retailers ponder the The amount of supply to
pandemic, according to Perkins, Local market tightness meet this year’s domestic
they should consider several Perkins encourages retailers needs is more than enough;
key questions, such as: What to be proactive in reaching out the robust supply situation has
happens if the train crew aboard to customers before wind chill been around for years, he points
an anticipated rail delivery is factors into daily relevance. out, but that doesn’t necessarily
waylaid by illness? What is an Customers accustomed prevent tightness from
alternative should the drivers to calling in on an as-needed
of arranged transport runs basis for a fill-up are especially continued on next page
your outdoor space
Serving Florida:
Jim Daus
Melissa Everatt
September/October 2020 Propane Magazine 9