Page 13 - FPGA SeptOct2020 final
P. 13

one-on-one phone calls to go         best route to go, allowing for      create) these opportunities.
        deeper with specific individuals.    regularly scheduled check-in
        Not everyone communicates            and meetings as needed, to                    Focusing inward
        best on email or wants the           truly support your company’s             5    rather than
        formality of a video chat. It’s your   culture for the long term.                  practicing active
        responsibility to find the best                                                    empathy
        channel and make it happen.              4    Failing to create              Now more than ever it is
            3    Losing your                 collaboration among team            critical to practice empathy. This
                                                                                 is easier said than done. First,
                                                      opportunities for
                 patience over “at-
                                                                                 you yourself are experiencing
                 home conditions”            members and coworkers               drastic professional and
        and challenges and not                  There are some obvious           personal disruption. It can be
        embracing flexibility for the        advantages of the new work-         hard to focus a lot of attention
        long term                            from-home lifestyle, especially     on your direct reports when
            Back in March when schools       for those who prefer to simply      you’re dealing with work stress
        and offices first closed, most       put their heads down and get to     and home stress. Second, each
        managers and company                 work without the distraction of     person is experiencing the
        leaders displayed high levels of     conference room meetings and        “new normal” differently, which
        compassion and empathy                                                           means you have to meet
        for their work-from-home                                                         them where they are. For
        employees who were —          Not everyone communicates best                     example, you might have
        like them — suddenly          on email or wants the formality of                some employees who
        dealing with the multiple    a video chat. It’s your responsibility             feel like the restrictions
        stressors of the world and                                                      on business and
        household responsibilities.   to find the best channel and make                 personal life as a result
        However, in some cases,                        it happen.                       of the health crisis are
        patience has started to                                                         unnecessary. Or others
        wear thin. Don’t let it.             coworker birthday celebrations.     who feel like it’s not enough. It’s
            We may have all gotten           However, the “working as            important to try to understand
        more accustomed to juggling          an island” concept can cost         those perspectives and to
        home schooling, childcare, meal      your company the benefits of        address each employee based
        preparation, lack of personal        everyone maintaining focus on       on those perspectives.
        workspace and endless hours of       the shared purpose of projects
        daily screen time than we might      and the big picture of your             This is hard. All of it. There
        have ever imagined. But that         organization as a whole.            are no magic solutions to keep
        doesn’t mean it’s necessarily           That’s why it’s up to remote     remote workers engaged,
        getting any easier. And if           managers to proactively             productive and seen. But doing
        anything, as we set in for the       create projects that require        your best to stay connected,
        long haul, it’s time to adjust your   collaboration between team         to stay flexible and to stay
        expectations that this is just a     members. Given the access to        empathetic can at least help
        temporary situation.                 all the online tools for sharing    make sure the new normal isn’t
            Embracing flexibility is the     work and working together           always a bad normal.
        alternative. Some employers          (Dropbox, Google Docs, Zoom),
        are already embracing agile          there’s just no excuse for,
        working: “A way of working           different levels and departments    Janine Yancey, October 4,2020
        in which an organization             to not share knowledge,
        empowers its people to work          brainstorm and take different           For more information
        where, when and how they             on different parts of a larger
        choose – with maximum                project. Plus, this is a great way           CLICK HERE
        flexibility and minimum              to strengthen relationships,
        constraints – to optimize their      build empathy and improve
        performance and to do their          communication channels. It’s
        best work.” This might be the        your job to find (or if needed,

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