Page 17 - FPGA SeptOct2020 final
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instances, they outrank their Pillar Two: based on their constituency
own members in power and Members of Congress sweet spot—their reelection—
influence. If a stakeholder can’t Establishing and reinforcing while the propane industry
make the sale with a committee the importance and influence of needs to view politics as a
staffer, it won’t make its way to congressional staff is a critical bottom-line enterprise. The
the member. There is strong step in building an advocacy two need not be incompatible.
empirical evidence in the and leadership program on There is, in fact, ample room for
congressional literature, as well Capitol Hill. Equally compelling crossover.
as the anecdotal, to back this is the building of the member The member of Congress
argument. But there is one other network. Whether the politics views the constituent as an
factor to consider, committee is wholesale or retail, it needs instrument of political success.
staff need constituencies to be to reflect the industry’s core The propane stakeholder should
effective. They need the issue constituencies—propane view the member of Congress
background from the field—they country, rural, in a traditional as an instrument of added
need stakeholders as much as sense, conservative, pro- business value.
stakeholders need them. Thus, business values, balanced by
the stakeholder/committee the societal move toward clean Pillar Three:
staff relationship is inherently, fuels—and laser focused on The Essential Partnership
intensely, and of necessity, the committees that matter OF PERC and NPGA
symbiotic. Committee staff most to the industry—tax,
are eager to build their power appropriations, labor, energy It is important for any
by developing relationships regulation. stakeholder to realize that in
with the private sector that will And the network at its a complex institution such as
provide policy ideas, substantive core should reflect a targeted Congress, picking your spots
expertise, and political cover. approach to advocacy reflecting and your issues is critical. The
trade association affiliation is
the fact that members of
Congress seek their alliances continued on next page
September/October 2020 Propane Magazine 17