Page 18 - FPGA SeptOct2020 final
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important in helping develop         competition on Capitol Hill.        demanding—a clean domestic
        the important grassroots                By harmonizing the               energy source at a fair price—
        connections and sustaining           PERC priorities, expertise,         and all-American at its core.
        at least a cursory connection        and initiatives with NPGA’s             If propane can muster the
        with the member of Congress.         grassroots strategy, advocacy,      power of its two organizations,
        But advocacy is changing             and coalition-building, NPGA        both dedicated to its future,
        and the trade association            and PERC can and will continue      each group complementing
        that opts for the consensus          to develop visionary policies and   the other with the expertise and
        model of congressional               exciting business opportunities.    the network to deliver, then the
        representation and photo op                                              nexus between advocacy and
        advocacy with no follow-up is        Pillars of Advocacy and             leadership will have come full
        destined for irrelevance. Trade      Leadership                          circle.
        associations are increasingly           Propane is America’s                 When it comes to politics
        active in forming issue-specific     fuel. It has as yet untapped        and policy, it’s a value
        coalitions, inside and outside       political power within its          proposition—an exchange and a
        their industries, with like-minded   core constituency in rural          linkage of expertise and access,
        groups when consensus is             America—Trump country.              of constituent and constituency,
        possible.                            But it also has what many           of tradition and future.
            The propane industry has a       industries lack—it has the future
        long history of forming its own      if it chooses to command it., Joe
        industry coalitions to advance       Propane has the versatility         Colaneri, October 5,2020
        specific propane causes. The         and the domestic supply to
        Propane Vehicle Council is one       be a major energy participant           For more information
        example of a group of like-          in resilience, sustainability,
        minded propane companies             hybrid technology, on-road and               CLICK HERE
        forming an organization              off-road, construction, ports,
        dedicated to the over-the-           and new engine technology.
        road motor fuel market. The          And it has what the public is
        industry could examine forming
        coalitions or working groups,
        formal or informal, in specific
        issue areas that could involve
        resilience, sustainability,
        infrastructure, and the strong
        connection propane has with
        rural America. Tax and federal
        funding initiatives could be                                                           CLICK HERE
        developed to promote the
        growing list of potential propane                                                     to watch this
        markets. And propane could
        work with other industries to                                                           brief two-
        form powerful issue-specific                                                         minute video.
            As has been the case for
        more than 20 years, PERC
        is a world-class institution
        established by the industry to
        support traditional propane
        markets and examine and               Want to do more to establish propane’s role in a low-carbon
        develop new markets. That             future? Listen to episode 4 where PERC President and CEO
        industry expertise sustained          Tucker Perkins share his vision of an energized army focused
        over 20 years will enable             on extending the influence in every state across the nation.
        NPGA to match and possibly            Join our team!
        outmaneuver its energy

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