Page 16 - FPGA SeptOct2020 final
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Professor Donald Matthews’              process is intensely symbiotic   aggressive legislative agenda
        pathbreaking “U.S. Senators and         What matters to the              unique to the industry.
        Their World,” which explored,       propane industry (and other             The propane industry’s
        for the first time, the norms       stakeholders) is how to take         trade association, NPGA, has
        and folkways of the United          these congressional factors and      something that many industries
        States Senate and pulled back       themes and fashion a strategy        do not have—it has PERC,
        the curtain on the behavioral       that blends advocacy with            which is both resource and
        aspects of the Senate and the       leadership for the benefit of its    constituency. Together, these
        rules, written and unwritten,       members and constituencies.          two organizations could form
        that guided policy and political                                         one of the most formidable
        behavior. Written in the early      Pillar One:                          public policy business
        ’60s before Capitol Hill advocacy   Congressional Staff                  development partnerships on
        and influence became a major            The congressional policy         Capitol Hill and in the federal
        industry, Matthews’ work            process is almost entirely staff-    agencies. The essence of their
        became a template to study the      driven, thus, forging long-term      respective structures suggests
        other aspects of the legislative    ties with congressional staff is     a powerful policy relationship in
        process—including the influence,    a critical advocacy norm for         the offing—both facilitated by a
        norms, and folkways of              stakeholders. Trade associations     strong grassroots constituency.
        congressional staff.                almost reflexively set up               Both NPGA and PERC have
            The congressional literature    member meetings for their            compelling and consistent
        on staff influence is now long      members, and these meetings          mandates—the need to sustain
        and deep—one part descriptive,      are not without consequence.         existing markets, and the
        two parts behavioral, and is        They are an important marker in      imperative to identify future
        based largely on an examination     assessing grassroots sentiment,      markets.
        of determinative behavioral         but, except for the photo op, they      NPGA, by necessity, needs
        variables related to members of     have little consequence when         to maintain staff relationships
        Congress, constituencies, issues,   policy decisions are made in the     in the House and Senate, but
        and political circumstances.        back staff room and presented        there is a dynamic here as
        The patterns suggest advocacy       to the member. In fact, many         well—not all staff influence is
        strategies that are relevant to     members defer to their staffs on     created equal. This more than
        trade associations, companies,      policy matters. That level of trust   likely has a constitutional basis.
        and other stakeholders who          is almost always sustainable if      House members are more
        advocate. What emerges is a         and when that staffer becomes        grassroots-oriented with the
        conceptual list for discussion:     a lobbyist in the future. Former     ongoing pressures of being up
                                            Hill staffers are hired as lobbyists   for reelection every two years.
        •   The legislative process is      because companies, consulting        Their immediate imperative is
            essentially staff-driven        firms, and trade groups know         political, not policy. This needs
        •   Member meetings are largely     who has the ear of the member        to be factored into any meeting
            symbolic, but an important      and who actually is driving the      with a House staffer. Very few
            rite of constituent passage     legislative process.                 have the time or inclination to
        •   Staff influence reflects Senate     Trade associations are, out      pursue a policy agenda. The
            and House culture and has       of necessity, changing in order      Senate is far different. Insulated
            some constitutional basis       to survive and remain relevant       by the apparent security of a
        •   Senate staff are largely        on Capitol Hill. The old tried-      six-year term, senators and their
            policy-driven                   and-true photo op meeting            staffers are freer to pursue policy
        •   House staff are driven          isn’t enough to add value—           and develop the relationships
            by immediate grassroots         different advocacy tools need        with stakeholders that can help
            pressures                       to be deployed. For propane,         drive that agenda.
        •   Senior committee staff have     that is a given. The industry           In the world of congressional
            more power and influence        has developed an impressive          staff, the role of committee
            than most members of            grassroots network over the past     staff is supreme. Committee
            Congress                        20 years. What it needs now is       staff not only have power over
        •   The private sector              to use that network to drive an      the congressional agenda,
            stakeholder/committee staff                                          but they also shape it. In most

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