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FALL 2020
Serving Emergency Preparedness in Florida Since 1956
President’s Message
Florida VOAD Update
Jessica Geib, FPEM John Scott, FPEM, President
appy Fall! The Florida VOAD
(FLVOAD) work continues as
Hthe members and Board of
Directors have been busy moving
forward and helping to collectively elcome to Fall 2020, everyone understood the value
communicate, collaborate, the year that is of providing a forum where we
coordinate, and cooperate . Many Wsimultaneously moving could connect with each other.
of our members remain active faster and slower than any Right now, our Annual
in responding to Hurricane Sally other in recorded history. In Committee is embarking on
needs in the Panhandle - a heartfelt this time of so many firsts-of- what will be one of its most
thank you for the creative ways they their-kind and crazy exercise challenging missions in recent
implemented to continue to meet scenarios materializing in real memory; planning a conference
the needs and adapting to the “new life; what I have been struck by that depends on certainty
normal” way of operating. In other the most, is the commitment in a world where it is next to
business news, the FLVOAD is in the of membership to ensure that impossible to forecast what the
process of applying for 501c3 status the mission of the Association future will hold. Throughout all
and anticipates the application will carries on. Committees and the flux, record setting activation
be finalized shortly. This designation Working Groups have continued lengths, working on concurrent
will allow our organization additional to meet; utilizing their collective multiple disasters; members
opportunities to assist with efforts to tackle old and new continued to raise their hands
membership needs. challenges. Members found to say, “I’m ready to help”. For
The FLVOAD is very pleased to time to put their Certification an Association whose entire
announce the amended Disaster application packages together, progress is driven by people
Leave Law which allows for an while the review teams made giving of their free time in a
expansion of eligible disaster the time to diligently evaluate year where free time is a scarce
non-profit organizations to utilize each piece of supporting commodity, for us to see our
State Employees as volunteers documentation, provide participation rates increase; I
for assignment. Finally, we wish comments, and offer every can’t describe how impressive
to extend incredible appreciation assistance possible to ensure that it is.
to all our members who have the success of each applicant. On behalf of the entire Board
been working tirelessly in their We planned our first ever virtual of Directors, I want to thank you
communities in response to COVID Mid-Year Work Session, and for your selflessness and for
19. The partnerships and innovative then when a hurricane came always raising the bar on what
ways in which you continue to along to disrupt those plans, we we can be. Now, more than ever,
work together demonstrate the retooled yet again to present an We Are FEPA!
dedication to our citizens. This year abbreviated Mid-Year Meeting.
has tested even the most seasoned All these adjustments were John Scott, FPEM
professionals, and we are proud to possible to execute because President
share the work you are doing!