Page 2 - FEPA Fall 2020 final
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Certification Corner                                  by Shayne Morgan, FPEM, Chair, Certification Commission

                  elcome to the Fall quarter’s edition of       categories.  Over the years, the Association has offered
                  Certification Corner. Each quarter, on behalf   tabletop exercises as part of the Annual Meeting
        Wof the Commission, I use this column to                program. FEPA members who have served on the
        outline best practices for FEPA members completing      exercise design and evaluation team and have provided
        their certification applications or considering applying   proper documentation have used this experience as
        for recognition.  For those that may be new to FEPA     a contribution under PC-2-Technical. Service in FEPA
        and emergency management, the Association               Leadership positions, both elected and appointed
        offers three basic certifications, Florida Emergency    qualify under PC-4, Leadership and Participation.  A
        Management Volunteer (FEMV), Florida Associate          variety of roles meet this requirement, including
        Emergency Manager (FAEM), and Florida Professional      membership on the Board of Directors, Chairs and Co-
        Emergency Manager (FPEM).  FAEM and FPEM also offer     Chairs of Committees and Working Groups and key
        a Healthcare concentration, for emergency managers      positions leading Association projects. PC-5 Speaking
        working in the healthcare field.  In addition, FEPA     offers a broad opportunity to recognize members’
        recognizes emergency management instructors under       roles in developing and delivering content for FEPA
        three categories:  Florida Basic Instructor (FBI), Florida   sponsored trainings, workshops, and seminars.  These
        Intermediate Instructor (FII), and the Florida Master   are only a few examples of how FEPA participation
        Instructor (FMI).  To learn more about the specific details   can be recognized in your FEPA Certification (or Re-
        of each certification classification, please visit www.  Certification) application. As applicants review the list, to review the applications and    they will quickly realize how Association activities fit
        requirements.                                           multiple professional contribution categories.
            This installment of the Certification Corner focuses    As the deadline to submit applications as part
        on how contributions to FEPA programs and projects      of the Certification Class of 2021 approaches, I offer
        can be recognized in your certification application.  The   a great big thank you to everyone that has already
        Certification Program outlines seventeen professional   submitted their re-certification or certification packages.
        contribution categories to demonstrate an emergency     Certification Commissioners are working hard to
        manager’s proficiency and document support for          complete evaluations of applications assigned to them.
        the emergency management profession. Many FEPA          Once each two-member Certification review team
        opportunities directly correlate to these categories.     completes its analysis and agrees an applicant meets
        For example, Professional Contribution (PC)-1 relates   the requirements, the recommendation is considered
        to Disaster Experience.  Though hard to imagine in our   by the full Certification Commission.   Applications
        current environment, if your jurisdiction did not need   recommended for approval by the Commission are
        to activate your Emergency Operations Center for an     presented to the Board of Directors for final action.
        extended period, but you did assist another area as a   Actions regarding each annual class of candidates must
        FEPA coordinated EOC Mutual Aid resource, you may be    be completed in time for recognition at the FEPA Annual
        able to use this experience as one of your professional   Meeting.  All the review and approval timelines dictate
        contributions.                                          the submission deadline for each application cycle.   As
            FEPA developed exercises and training also often    November 1, the traditional annual deadline, falls on a
        meet the requirements of professional contribution      weekend this year, the application deadline for the Class
                                                                of 2021 is October 30, 2020, the last business day of the
                                                                          month.  Please remember, applications are
                                                                          assigned for review in the order that they are
                                                                          received, so waiting until the final day of the
                                                                          cycle to submit may delay the completion
                                                                          of your application’s evaluation and limit
                                                                          the time you have to provide additional
                                                                          documentation or clarifications that may be
                                                                             Certification Commissioners volunteer
                                                                          their time and FEPA thanks them for their
                                                                          dedication and appreciates their home
                                                                          agencies allowing them an opportunity to
                                                                          serve. As always, if you have any questions
                                                                          please do not hesitate to reach out to me
                                                                          or any Commission member to get your
                                                                          questions answered. I hope that everyone
                                                                          stays safe, and l hope see you soon.

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