Page 24 - pwc-lease-accounting-guide_Neat
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                       Partial definition from ASC 842 Glossary

                       The term inventory embraces goods awaiting sale (the merchandise of a trading concern and the
                       finished goods of a manufacturer), goods in the course of production (work in process), and goods to
                       be consumed directly or indirectly in production (raw materials and supplies). This definition of
                       inventories excludes long-term assets subject to depreciation accounting, or goods which, when put
                       into use, will be so classified.

              2.2.1    Short-term lease measurement and recognition exemption for lessees

                       As discussed in ASC 842-20-25-2, a lessee may elect not to apply the recognition requirements of ASC
                       842 to short-term leases. This election should be made by class of underlying asset. If a lessee chooses
                       to elect this short-term lease measurement and recognition exemption, it should recognize the lease
                       payments in net income on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Variable lease payments should be
                       recorded in the period in which the obligation for the payment is incurred.

                       The ASC 842 Glossary defines a short-term lease.

                       Definition from ASC 842 Glossary
                       Short-Term Lease: A lease that, at the commencement date, has a lease term of 12 months or less and
                       does not include an option to purchase the underlying asset that the lessee is reasonably certain to

                       Leases often include options to either extend the term of the lease (commonly referred to as a renewal
                       option) or to terminate the lease prior to the contractually defined lease expiration date (commonly
                       referred to as a termination option). The existence of either a renewal or termination option requires
                       lessees and lessors to determine, at lease commencement, the length of the lease term. As discussed in
                       LG, renewal or termination options that are reasonably certain of exercise (or non-exercise) by
                       the lessee are included in the lease term. Therefore, a one-year lease with a renewal option that the
                       lessee is reasonably certain to exercise is not a short-term lease. See LG for information on
                       determining the term of a lease.

                       A lessee should reassess whether a short-term lease continues to qualify for the short-term lease
                       measurement and recognition exemption when certain events occur. See LG 5.4 for more information.

              2.3  Definition of a lease

                       In a lease, one party obtains the right to use an asset legally owned by another party for a period of
                       time. It is this right of use that distinguishes a lease from other executory contracts. The rights of a
                       lessee are different from those of an owner of an asset or a party to a service agreement that does not
                       transfer a right of use. Nonetheless, a lessee does have certain rights that receive accounting
                       recognition as an asset (with a corresponding liability for the obligation to make payments for that
                       right of use) because a lessee has control over an economic resource and is benefiting from the use of
                       the asset.

                       ASC 842-10-15-3 defines a lease as follows.

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